Time to go see the doctor~!

Nov 12, 2008 15:12

Characters: Isshin Kurosaki, Ryuuken Ishida, anyone on the Silvana who wants a check-up from daddy-doctors
Content: Check-up time for everyone!
Setting: Silvana's sickbay
Time: All day, depending on when you want to come in.
Warnings: Ryuuken-bitching. Oh, and Isshin. He merits a warning by himself.
Notes: Have your character start up a new ( Read more... )

shinjiro aragaki, ≠ ishida ryuuken, kurosaki isshin, ≠ cid highwind, ≠ fran, ≠ asch the bloody, ≠ milo james thatch, ≠ mystearica aura fende, nikolas kamarov, ≠ heihachi hayashida, ≠ hitsugaya toshirou

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Comments 157

freshblood_fang November 12 2008, 20:37:46 UTC
How stupid.

Asch was in perfect health. (According to himself, anyways) He did not need a "check up." Not now. Not ever. Especially if it's going to include invasive questions on his name and origin. He doubted they'd accept his moniker as an acceptable name. He should have thought this through before signing on. Should have thought of a more detailed fake background. For now, he could just claim he was an orphan from Kropmork-Nakh. Hopefully that would be acceptable enough.

Clearly irritated, he stormed into the infirmary, eager to get this checkup over with.


doctor_is_out November 12 2008, 20:47:40 UTC
Ryuuken turned to face him, clipboard in hand. "Name," he said brusquely, not wasting any time on pleasantries.


freshblood_fang November 12 2008, 21:01:05 UTC

He didn't even think to add fon Fabre. He had disassociated himself with that name for such a long time that he could barely remember that he was a Fabre in the first place.


doctor_is_out November 12 2008, 21:04:16 UTC
Scribble, scribble. Ryuuken didn't care about the name, as long as it would identify the patient. There weren't any other Asches on board, so this would do. "Take your shirt and shoes off and stand on that scale."


the_tea_in_tnt November 12 2008, 21:00:12 UTC
Cid wasn't looking forward to this, if just because he knew already everything he was going to be told. That he needed to stop smoking. He KNEW his lungs were crap. Why have every doctor in Reial tell him about it!?

He grumbled to himself as he entered the office, his smokes proudly displayed under the band of his goggles.


daddys_bear November 12 2008, 21:04:01 UTC
Isshin looked up from his clipboard while Ryuuken was busy with his patient, a grin already on his face as he saw who it was. "Ah, Cid-san!" he greeted cheerfully, pausing for a moment to frown at the cigarettes before continuing. "Its a bit hard to do an examination with your smokes at hand, Cid-san, so if you would place them to the side for the duration of the examination?" It wasn't as if he was asking the mechanic to throw it or anything after all...


the_tea_in_tnt November 12 2008, 21:09:04 UTC
Cid frowned at the idea, but Isshin WAS the doctor, and if he caused trouble there was the chance this would drag one even longer.

"Been a long time since anyone called me -san." He mumbled while he pulled off his goggles and put them and the cigarettes on a nearby table.

"So, what ya need. I wanna get this shit done and over with."


daddys_bear November 12 2008, 21:13:55 UTC
A smile graced on Isshin's face as Cid complied to his request: step one done. The doctor grabbed his pen and scribbled down Cid's name as he went and gestured to one of the nearby scales. "Shirt and shoes off please, as well as anything that's in your pockets before standing on that scale."


anothercoldwar November 13 2008, 00:18:25 UTC
Nikolas (unlike much of the crew, he suspected) had no real problem with doctors. At least, not for the purposes of a routine examination. Then again, that lack of concern might have had something to do with his confidence in the fact that his abilities kept him in perfect health. He ducked his head in the door, pleased to see the infirmary was neat and tidy. "Hello?"


daddys_bear November 13 2008, 01:26:42 UTC
As soon as he was finished with the last patient, Isshin took off the form attached to the clipboard and placed it in teh gathering pile of completed forms - he would have to sort that out later but for now, the check-ups. He was just placing the next blank form to be filled when he saw Nikolas at the doorway and waved to him with a greeting. "Ah, Nikolas-san! If you would, please."


anothercoldwar November 13 2008, 03:24:55 UTC
"Of course, of course." He walked in and sat down dutifully, to await further instruction. "I hope the crew has not been giving you too much trouble in regards to these examinations." If there were stragglers, Nik would be more then happy to haul them in himself.


daddys_bear November 13 2008, 04:11:57 UTC
"Haha, some of them weren't willing to come for examinations at first, but they did eventually and were alright after that," Isshin replied with a chuckle. "There's still the rest of the day for them to make up their minds, though I suppose Ryuuken wouldn't be to happy with conducting check-ups in the night." He added the other part in an undertone so that the other doctor couldn't hear him.

Right, to business. Isshin filled in Nikolas's name on the form as he gestured to the scale. "Right, first thing. Shoes, shirt and whatever's in your pockets on the table, and then step onto the scale."


mysterious_aura November 13 2008, 03:57:33 UTC
Although she'd never admit it, Tear felt more than reluctant to take an examination. She prepared herself each time for it, but she still couldn't fight back the waves of anxiety that threatened to reveal itself upon her stoic visage. However, having been trained to keep a straight, unwavering front, she had grown more than accustomed to seeimg completely unnerved.

Still, it didn't help the ripples of anxiety subtly undulating beneath her skin.

Disregarding all further hesitation - seeing how that wasn't any point in faltering - she purposefully strode into the infirmary, her stolid front set firmly upon her face. To anyone but herself, she'd seem like her usual self, without any disinclination for the routine check-up. Although, truthfully, she didn't have anything against the other crew members checking in...if only she hadn't such a large secret to hide herself.


doctor_is_out November 13 2008, 04:12:59 UTC
Ryuuken approached her immediately, picking up a fresh sheet and clipping it down. "Your name?" he asked in clipped, no-nonsense tones.


mysterious_aura November 13 2008, 05:12:09 UTC
"Tear Grants," she answered, promptly, turning partly to face him.

It was uncertain whether it would have been better to have Ryuuken or Isshin conduct her medical examination. The former was more stolid - not much unlike the impression she gave - but the latter held the tentative possibility of being capable of making her front slip. However, it didn't really matter at the moment. She'd just hurry and finish through this without complaint and without exuding even a tinge of nervousness.


doctor_is_out November 13 2008, 14:49:37 UTC
"Take your shoes off, make sure your pockets are empty, and stand on the scale," Ryuuken instructed. "Have you gained or lost a significant amount of weight over the past six months? Is there anything unusual, any unexplained pain or discomfort, or anything else of note?"


adiosasshole November 13 2008, 04:19:22 UTC
Shinjiro had no desire to see the doctors. Not one bit. So when he found himself near the office, he wasn't intending to go in. Nope.

He looked at the door for a long moment, only to snort to himself in distaste and begin walking away again, grumbling to himself as he went, his axe tapping out random beats on his shoulder.


daddys_bear November 13 2008, 04:39:45 UTC
Isshin showed the last patient he examined out of the room, thanking said person with a cheer. As he was about to close the door however he noticed a familair figure wandering around the hallway. It took a moment for Isshin to process who it was.

"Ah, Shinji-san!" he greeted loudly, waving. "Here for the check-up? Come on in!"


adiosasshole November 15 2008, 02:05:00 UTC
Shinji froze at his name, hissing. Goddamnit...

"I'm not here for a check-up. Drop it." he grumbled, giving Isshin a glare before trying to walk away again.


daddys_bear November 15 2008, 09:23:34 UTC
Well, this certainly couldn't work out. Shinjiro had to have his check-up somehow - otherwise how would be sure that he was alright! Isshin distinctly let out a pulse of his magical energy, just enough to alarm the cook before walking up to him with a grin.

"Come on how, Shinjiro-san," he spoke cheerfully, though his voice was edged with a serious tone. "Its just in your best interest. What happens if there's a virus in yourt body that nobody can suspect of yet? It would infect everyone on the ship far too easily."


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