Aftermath [CLOSED]

Nov 08, 2008 00:51

Characters: Jade Curtiss and Miles Edgeworth
Content: In the aftermath of the spider crisis, Edgeworth makes a sweep of the ship - infirmary included - to check for damage.
Time: A few hours after the end of this log.
Setting: Jade's private office off the infirmary.
Warnings: Smarm, grump, references to Hurricane Peony.

Jade leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. Despite his non-involvement in the spider incident, he'd quickly found that the waiting had been nearly as bad as the fighting may have been. It had...helped, he supposed, that Peony has brought himself, his royal rappig escort and his royal sewing machine down to keep things lively, but that still didn't erase the small sliver of concern Jade felt every time the ship above him moaned and shook.

The rappigs had done a surprisingly splendid job of keeping the spiders out, and the infirmary had been left relatively unmolested. Still, after Peony had finally released him said his good-bye's, the infirmary was left with a rather desolate air. Jade blamed it on the sudden absence of one Prince and six rappgigs.

For the time being, however, he simply sat back and awaited some sort of report from higher up on the ship.

miles edgeworth, ≠ jade curtiss

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