Ultimate Shopping of Ultimate Destiny [Closed]

Nov 07, 2008 22:26

Characters: Alphonse Elric and Rhyme Bito
Content: Magic shopping! Budding friendship.
Setting: Melior
Time: Day after Medusa meets Rhyme, after Rhyme and Al talk over the journals
Warnings: Lolis and armor?

Rhyme wasn't quite herself again yet, this morning. She hadn't slept well, and she had stayed out late and things. It was a lot for her to deal with, but the promise of time with a nice crew mate and time to not think was perfect!

She stood at the side of the ship waiting for Alphonse.

He had said they could go to special libraries, maybe even meet masters. That would be amazing. She really did need a teacher and she and Ness hadn't gotten any really in depth yet.

Her night with Medusa kept interfering in her ability to stay chipper, but she put on a happy face anyway, Al should be here any minute.

≠ rhyme bito, ≠ alphonse elric

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