FOR SCIENCE! And Because I'm Lost [Open]

Nov 07, 2008 17:38

Characters: Agatha Heterodyne, Rikku Dalabane, and whoever
Content: Agatha gets a tour, courtesy of Rikku and whoever else.
Setting: The Way
Time: Morning
Warnings: .Agatha's enough of a warning, don't you think?

Rikku was bored.

She could walk now, yeah, but she was still bored. She was outta ideas for inventions, had no idea where anyone was, and had finished all her books. Sitting on a barrel on the top deck, looking out over Melior was the only thing she could think of to do.

"Well, Turtle," mused the mechanic, petting the cat in her lap, "at least the weather's nice."

rikku dalabane, ≠ agatha heterodyne

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