Ow! My freakin' ears! And hairs!

Oct 06, 2006 04:55

Tonight i saw Sanctity, Lamb of God and Opeth play at The Masquerade.

I got there at just about the right time. No waiting in line and just a little wait for the show to start. I looked at the t-shirts. They were freaking 30-35USD. Damn! I couldn't convince myself it was worth it. Maybe eBay...

Sanctity was pretty OK. Seemed like a basic thrash metal band.

Then Opeth played, sadly not headlining. By the time they started i had insinuated myself pretty close to the front. The show started and everyone went nuts... I don't know if i'm just old and about to die, but the crowd seemed much more intense this time. Like GWAR level intensity. There was no watch the band and enjoy the music, just try not to get crushed. It's not that great to spend much time with your hands pinned to your chest and your feet mostly off the floor. Very easy to fall that way... I spent most of the time smashed against the back of the guy in front of me while i was humped by various sweaty strangers. Also, watching the sky. You never know when some ass-neck crowd surfer will kick you in the head. I suppose the loss of 60 pounds since my last concert might also affect this. I was slung about much easier this time... Also, apparently everyone in Sweden fucks everyone else all the time. And they are all beautiful. FYI. They sounded pretty good (well, as good as anything sounds at the masquerade). They played:
+Ghost of Perdition
+The Leper Affinity
+Windowpane (our only chance to rest, the crush of the crowd lets up a little during slow songs)
+The Grand Conjuration (apparently this is about the devil)
+Deliverance (apparently this is about sex)
Although the song topics may have been hilarious jokes. The singer seemed to be in a strange mood or something. Now nothing from their first FOUR albums. Once again, i weep for the past. Although i've read/heard stuff that pretty much implies they don't remember how to play anything from their first two albums period... :-(

After Opeth's set was finished, i slogged my way out of the horde and grabbed a drink. There's not much like being completely soaked with sweat that may or may not be your own... You know how your fingertips wrinkle when you are in water for a while? Well, mine were like that... from sweat...

Lamb of God was surprisingly good. I've not been impressed by there studio work, but they have a lot of stage presence and most of their songs are anthemic headbangers. Also, i'm going to assume that the vastly more violent crowd was their fault. They played for a while and it was fun. The singer, however, was quite discourteous. He accused us many times of having sexual relations with our mothers. He also called us syphilitic pussies for not cheering loud enough for the last two song. He didn't really mean it, right? He also said he enjoyed playing in the masquerade way better than in mega-domes with Gigantour. Mixed messages... We should go to counseling... I left with my shirt still soaked, got accosted by a hobo[1] and then drove home. I spent about half an hour unfucking my hairs, my favorite post concert ritual... Now teh[0] sleep...

[0] Is that fucking clever or what?!
[1] Fuck[2] hobos[4]...
[2] Fuck[3]
[3] I need to go to sleep...
[4] You've got to do them first![5]
[5] else hobo->lay_eggs (you->get_Chest ());[6]
[6] OK, song's over... sleep ();

music, concert, opeth, homo-erotic

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