(no subject)

Feb 20, 2010 00:03

Well, I decided my sweet boy Ichi needed a new profile pic, and so I went and set up some lights and took a few quick photos of him. He's so darn pretty. ♥ It'd been forever and a day since I took solo Ichi shots! I mean, I love taking pics of him and Fall together, they are prettiness squared, but Ichi's needed a new pic for my LJ profile for a really long time. XB

Anyways, pretty pretty Ichi! Uhh, the pics might've turned out a little blue. It's hard to judge white balance settings via my camera's screen sometimes. Yeah, that's my excuse. >_>;;

Oh, Ichi. ♥


Curling up with some Shakespeare. :B

Also: I posted some very small photos in the DoA HT Kyoto Dolpa 7 thread that I found on one of the Japanese bbs sites of pages out of the guidebook Volks News, sooo~rry. Post here. I'm still waiting for someone to take some good, large scans of the book before I make another post about the Dolpa, and what I think about the dolls. Dratted small pics wash out the details on the boys, and that's what I want to see the most! Those little Yo kimonos are cute though, and I like some of the outfits, though maybe not enough to get them, I dunno.

Non-doll related: I'm going to Petsmart tomorrow, yay! My poor kitties are aaaaalmost out of food (it'll be completely gone after I feed them breakfast tomorrow) and I need to buy more litter. I hate buying those things at the grocery store, because it's so hard to take big packages on the bus, and I end up wasting money on the smaller ones instead, and running out quickly. x_x Plus, Petsmart sells better quality food. :B And Pekoe seems to have some kitty dandruff, so I think I'll look for something to help out with that. She doesn't seem itchy or anything, but when I pet her, it gets all stirred up. Ew. :\

Ok, off to scour the internets some more for more dollie pics! I'll prolly make another Dolpa post before too long. ;x

volks, ichi, doll yappy yap, doll photos

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