(no subject)

Feb 18, 2010 16:21

Nomiki: Gimme!
Precious: No way! Now go put on some pants, you hippie, or we'll miss the beginning of the movie.
Nomiki: Screw the movie, I want ice cream! >:[

Well, it's happened. Nomiki has a friend. :U

Precious met Nomi at the club Nomi works at. He'll go in after work (at an independent bookstore) sometimes and sit at the bar for a drink or two before the nighttime crowd comes in, and they just got to chatting after a while. Nomi doesn't mind hanging out with Precious because he knows Precious isn't interested in him that way, and Precious isn't some slutty party-boy. Like Andres. :P They go to see movies sometimes, or go and have food together. Vaughn was a little emo at first when he found out Nomi was hanging out with some boy instead of him, but Nomi brought Precious over to Vaughn's to meet him, and they get on well. Now Vaughn's just happy that Sir Grumpikins is being somewhat sociable without prodding from him or Nomi's relations.

As for the ice cream pic above, well, pretty much anyone who gets to know Nomiki realizes quickly that it's entertaining to tease him. XD; So Precious was coming over to get Nomi so they could go see a movie and got himself some ice creams on the way in, but now Nomi wants it and is too busy being a greedy piggy to finish getting ready. I'm sure they'll stop and get a cone for Nomiki once they're on their way, though. ;B Otherwise he'd probably bitch during the movie. ^^;

I do have more to tell about Precious later on, but now I'm going to go and take a nap. Yay, naptime!

precious, nomiki, doll photos

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