Andres is pretty sure he's the only Okita around worth pining over.
Well, I guess he is sorta cute. :[
Even though the jerkface knows it! XP
Andres needs someone to keep him in line. An SD17 someone. Still wondering if Hijikata could do the trick!
Speaking of Hijikata (and Okita, really) I found a couple sliiiiiightly larger photos of the Volks News 37 with the photos of the dolpa dolls in them. Still hoping someone from DoA will scan their copy and post pictures there, though. I doubt it'll happen at this point, though. T_T
Anyways, here are the pics:
Okita does look fairly cute, and like a matured, more Asian version of ol' fatty face Okita v.1.
Oh yeah, the person who owns the blog where I found these pics took a photo of their default fatty Okita with the picture of the new Okita.
Pic here! Hijikata is still making me wonder, though. His nose looks rather small. But I like the rest of what I see. Especially the cute hair, dark eyeliner, and pissy brows. :U
I might just try for Hijikata regardless of whether or not I want the head in the end, since it's been since late 2007 since there's been a good chance at a decently priced SD17 body. I would like another SD17 boy one of these days. (Or, two really. One to keep Andres in line, and an SD17 Williams.)
Gah, Volks! There better be SD16 girls as the limiteds at NY Dolpa, to save my bank account after this shinsengumi debacle! :[