I've made Firefly converts. Lured them into the 'verse...The other two who took part in the little Firefly marathon the past weekend have both ordered the DVD's now, and the three of us just kept quoting Firefly and giggling on our board meeting yesterday. The only other person there hadn't seen it, but got interested by the sheer power of peer pressure, so I decided to lend her the DVD's
armillary sent me (I've ordered the real DVD's myself, now; the masterpiece needs to be bought and paid for), and this morning (!) she sent an email that she's already gone and ordered them, too!
M keeps emailing Firefly links that she's found on the internet. I looked a bit for a Swedish fan club, but couldn't find any. When I told her that nobody seems to have started one, she said, "That's strange. It's the natural reaction, isn't it?" It's fun when you can be really geeky and fanatical about something together with others. And it gives you a kind of warm glow to know that you are responsible for their condition. :D
I've washed the lining fabric and started the quilting of the waist piece of the wedding gown now. I basted all the layers together and drew the pattern with a trick marker, and found an old embroidery hoop to hold it while I'm sewing. So far so good. I drew the pattern myself, after looking for inspiration on the internet. It's a rose in the front, with rose leaves going out to the sides. She likes roses.