
Jun 02, 2011 15:15

Happy Birthday trinipedia and beckytheelf ! I hope you both have an amazing, amazing day. *hugs*

Welcome to my new friend lady_eilthana - I'm really looking forward to being friends :)

It's a few days since I've posted properly - I'm doing okay, just trying to revise hard. I haven't done any yet today, though, because we went out to a local(ish) stately house and gardens for a walk. It's really, really hot here today so it was really nice to be outside after being in the house all week. It means I need to stay in tomorrow and work instead of spending the night with some friends but I'll have all summer to go out so I don't mind.

I'm really looking forward to season four of Leverage now! It's really not far away and I can't wait for it :) I haven't written any more of my thebigbangjob fic yet but I'm trying not to worry about that until after exams.

Did I ever mention that I got some more information about what I'll be doing at the summer school? In my subject strand we'll be looking at novels, poetry, drama and films. I'm really excited about the range of stuff we look at - Atonement, Larkin, Hamlet and, get this, the three films are 'Vertigo' (which, you know, Hitchcock is always awesome), 'The Big Sleep' (Bogart - Starsky would be proud) and Legally Blonde (which should be...interesting.) I have a feeling the seven days I'm at the uni are going to be very intense but also very fun and worthwhile.

So, erm, what have you guys been up to?

friends, thebigbangjob2011, uni stuff, exams, leverage

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