(no subject)

Jun 03, 2011 12:16

  • It's a really, really nice day again. It's warm and sunny and bright and we went for a walk this morning. But now I need to stay inside and revise for the rest of the day. I have a history essay to finish and then I want to try and memorise some facts that I can use in my exam essays.
  • I'm also going to try and write some fic today. I have one for akintay that's almost finished and one started for morgentau that I want to try and finish. I also want to work on my Stanford fic some more and get another 1k of my Leverage fic written. In reality, though, I probably won't get any of that done because I'm procrastinating a lot at the moment. I'll try, though.
  • It really isn't long until big bang posting starts now! I'm pretty excited but I'm also going to try and remember to focus on revision. I think my fic is all ready to post. I'll probably read through it again a few days before I post just to make sure but I don't want to keep editing and editing it because I think you get to a point where you just need to stop and let a story be.
  • I'm kind of reading two different books at the same time. 'The Two Towers' and 'Pride and Prejudice' which is a really, really strange mixture but never mind.

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