Fandom Meme

Jun 01, 2011 14:05

It's ages since I've done a meme so I snagged this one from sheryden  :) I'm going to do it for Leverage because I'm in a Leverage sort of mood today (maybe that means I should write some of my big bang!)

Favorite Character: Leverage is one of those rare shows where I actually like the whole cast - I think the five regulars are all great characters and the supporting characters are also really strong. That said, my favourite character is always going to be Eliot because he's a badass AND he cooks :)

Least Favorite Character: Hmm, probably Maggie. I like her but I'm not really invested in her character so that's the only reason I chose her.

Character I Love That Others Don't: Well, I know some people like this character but I also know a lot of people don't so I'll go with her :) Sophie. The first time I watched the series she was definitely my 'least favourite' out of the five, although I didn' dislike here. But every time I rewatch the show I catch the more subtle aspects of her character and I think she's great.

Character I Wanna Get Romantic With: Haha. Totally Eliot.

Character I Wanna Be BFFs With: Hmmm. Hardison would be pretty fun :) But I reckon it'd be nice to be good friends with Eliot, too. He's so loyal to his friends.

Favorite Pairing: Either Nate/Eliot or Eliot/Hardison. That said, I love Nate/Sophie in the second and third seasons. Man, this show makes me ship a lot.

Favorite Episode: Eeeeek. I really can't choose. I like different ones for different reasons. 'The Big Bang Job' was pretty epic but I rewatch 'The Wedding Job' and 'The Two Horse' job time and time again. I love 'The Gone Fishing Job', too. Basically, I can't choose!"

Unpopular Opinion: I really hope Parker/Hardison doesn't happen. I mean, sometimes I find whatever is happening between them sweet and it's produced some funny and some nice moments. But I don't want there to be two couples and then just Eliot left alone. I don't think the family dynamics would work anymore.

meme, leverage

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