Rainy day people don't hide love inside.

Apr 07, 2005 19:46

How many times do I have to pretend I can't hear before people start listening to me. It's always that moment that hits you when you look around and the people around you are faceless trees in the nameless forest. Nobody knows how I work. It came to trivia and I got blank stares. What am I besides Jessica. I'm whatever part you got to know of me. Somehow you figure you can just act a wall to my misery and not do anything. A misplaced slab of drab concrete and you may block the wind but you don't make me feel any less alone. You don't know what safety is. Take away your blockades, let the horror in. Give me my ethreal blanket of falsity so I can at least feel hidden even if I'm bleeding to be finished. What serpent did I slay to look so strong? How many tears have been evicted from my eyes never knowing their purpose. You ask me whats so awful that I can't bear not to be in pain. Answer me one permanent smile I have that I can't somehow destroy. Show me indestructable dreams and I'll show you how much my sorrow can penetrate sunshine doors. Don't keep me out. Don't lock me in. Take these doors out of my house if you're just going to to open and close them. Slam them or let the lever gently click. No matter how you leave it will resonate throughout my barren room. I'd rather not notice your passage. Walk through my grass and leave even my weeds unruffled. I don't want to hear you even dusturb the breeze unless you came with flowers. What sort of washed down free spirit am I that I can't get off my hands. Give my hand a purpose, pray me to stand up. Hurt me please. I'm already dirty, sling some mud. I'm going to wait.

These words were written by Jessica but they are words Brian would like to say. I don't want to feel like everyone else doesn't. I like knowing I'm human. I'm lonely... I don't give a damn if no one's not. So fuck.

I didn't get into the art department. I feel about ready to die. Whats plan B. My plan A wasn't even that great and now it's gone. Here's to deciding today, today and deciding the future later. I don't have the time to think ahead. I just want someone to beat the living shit out of me. Please put me in a hospital I don't want to think about any of it anymore. Take me away. Add it to the untraversable codex of pages that don't need to be reread. Footsteps that don't need remaking. Songs that should never be covered. I cannot be simplified anymore.

It's nice to know you can talk through my misery as if it were a stroll in park. There arn't homeless people sleeping in the bushes. Only trees. Keep walking you fuck.

I'm so angry... but I'm still gonna sit here and smile I just can't talk anymore. I'm too tired.

I'll be your sun and your shade, dull myself so you can stand my brilliance.

I'm high like heaven, and I'm strong like music.

Why do I keep trying to stand on water?
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