Apr 12, 2005 00:44
Behold me the jackass. I am the fool of puddy and mud and master of dirty shapeshifting, face changing. I'll keep wearing the masks if you keep making them mister master mask maker. Use iron paint to bring a smile to this face that desperately wishes to frown. These skewed lips that want to speak the truth that always changes two seconds before utterance. Behold the helpless little liar. I don't want what I can't have, I want what I don't want. Give me my cake but don't let me eat it unless you're gonna let me throw it up. I want to look into a mirror and see the wall directly behind my head. I want to disappear. I want to give up. I want to do this one more time, please. Let me do it now and I'll never do it again till next time when promises are worthless again.
It's too bad you disgust me. We could have been really good friends.
My worth in time... 2 years. I take a lot of abuse.
I am a collective childhood memory. Unicorn anyone?
*turns in her key and walks home*