Mar 17, 2008 07:47

First, I want to wish a very happy birthday to the lovely goodtoast!!! Hope you have a wonderful day! You truly are made of awesome!!

Second, Happy St. Patrick's Day! I have no idea how other countries celebrate it, but here in the United States we wear green and drink a lot of booze. Oh, and in the case of my sorta sister-in-law, sent text messages at 6:25 in the morning and waking people up. *grumbles*

Anyway, I hope that everyone has a wonderful day!!

(P.S. I think my mother is trying to make me fat...ter. She keeps making me get off my Weight Watchers worse than I have been and then mocking me about it. Like Saturday night. She takes me to a restaurant and then mocks that I eat unhealthy so much here lately. I counter with a "I bet that I have lost more weight in the last month than her" and she proceeds to doubt that I have. And she isn't a skinny woman. I think she wants me to fail. But I will win. Muahaha)

random kimmie, birthdays

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