Kids, if you want to avoid being hit, you should look for a hiding spot quite far from me, because...*drumroll*
Yes, another one. And I daresay this one has made me even more giddy, fanninsh, happy and CRAZY about it than some of other fandoms I already have!
What I'm talking about? "How I met your mother?" of course! It's actually Neil Patrick Harris' fault, really - and I guess
dtissagirl's as well for watching the first half of season 1 with me and lending me all three seasons. Once I had seen the awesomeness that was Dr. Horrible - yes, even with Joss Whedon's knack for killing off characters I like *coflikeWashcof* - I just HAD to check other works from NPH (I know what that stands for now, HAH! *inside joke*) and since my flist has shown some love for HIMYM in the past, I decided to give it a go.
And boy, was I happy or what?!? It's like Friends, only it's not, because they are more sarcastic, and there is more sex stuff, and instead of Central Perk they have MacLarens. Not trying to say that one is better than the other - they are similar but different in their own unique way, but HIMYM filled the void Friends left when it was cancelled - or rather, the void it left after season 7. *still not over that whole messy Rachel and Joey business*
But, really, Ted's quest for his True Love, The One girl that ended up being the mother of his children and his tendency to correct people, Lily's loud chewing and shopping problem, Marshall's singing all the time and being the naïve kid in the group, not to mention the AWESOME slapsgiving, Robin's, well, literally sparkles XD, and Barney. OH, Barney, and his high pitched voice, his misterious job, the bro code, his famous catchphrases - awesome, high five, suit up, what up - EVERYTHING about him makes me laught out loud like I haven't in a very long time because of a TV show.
I watched it all inside of a week - started last week's wednesday afternoon and finished this wednesday morning - actually, at about 4 AM in the morning. And all I wanted to do afterwards was either watch the first episode of the next season - why is september 22nd so far away?? - or start rewatching it all over again from the beginning. I actually rewatched the first two episodes last night with
rjann, and he already was laughing out loud - imagine when he gets to the REALLY GREAT episodes, like "Zip, Zip, Zip", "Slap Bet", or "Slapsgiving".
Sure, there was a certain legen- wait for it -dary thing in the works in the last few episodes that are largely responsible for that - and I had forseen it since season 1! I'm SO glad I didn't spoil myself prior to watching the episodes!
Or I wouldn't have laughed out lout at Robin Sparkles! Or be so giddy and happy about Barney/Robin! Brotp indeed! I had foreseen this since "Zip, Zip, Zip" - now I know like most of the fandom already had foreseen it - and I loved it! The end of "Sandcastles in the Sand" left me with my mouth hanging open, and the very end of season 3 left me giggling and happy and hoping for MORE! :D
OH well, have to go to sleep now...I'm back to work, and tomorrow I have a 24h shift! Just HAD to post about HIMYM - have been meaning to do it so since wednesday, but some unpleasant things got in the way - hopefully it's all going to be better now.
I have this yearning to post about half a dozen times more, though, to show off my new icons! 9 HIMYM - with only two not being shippy, two Dr. Horrible, and one Middleman - btw, that reminds me, LOVED all that BTTF references in one of their episodes!