Thanks to
chickadilly look
what I found out! I don't know if I should be amused, thrilled or actually SCARED by it! XD
However, since I have this UNGODLY muscle pain and headache since yesterday - it's gotta be a nasty flu, it can't just be my allergics acting up - this actually put a smile on my face. :P
But what really seems to be cheering me up - my loving and funny boyfriend not withstanding - are four things:
1) the fact that now I have SCI FI CHANNEL! YES, I can watch dubbed SG-1 now! XD Too bad they don't seem to have any Farscape reruns! :(
2) Dr. Horrible's saga. It's so funny and quirky and great! Really, I can sense the nerd inside joke citations list growing! "PhD of Horribleness" is going to be right there on the nerd citation list, togheter with "May the Force be with you"! And is it wrong of me to be cheering for the villain instead of the cheesy superhero?
3) Another thing, my boyfriend's brother is in town with his family and his kids, a three-year old girl and a one year-old boy are SO CUTE! They are eletric, and cute, and laugh at whatever silly thing you do, and the boy eats with his left hand while holding the spoon with his right hand, and the girl keeps saying "games, games" whenever she wants to play with her uncle's Wii - and since he was working, I played with her and she was so happy and SMART - she is only three and managed to play Wario Smooth Moves! AND she never had played any video game before! Her uncle - my boyfriend - says she has the "gift" of the family for playing games. :P Her brother warmed right up to me, much quicker than usual with him according to his mom. We spent part of the afternoon with them playing Wii - actually, the boy only watched, he is too young, and he prefered to chase the dog around the room! The dog was actually afraid of him! LOL! The girl gave me a hug and a kiss yesterday before I left, and I'm sad that I'm so sick I can't stay close to them for fear of giving them my germs.
4) Also, THE DARK KNIGHT tomorrow night! Sure, my sister and her lucky boyfriend managed to see it last MONDAY, but...I get to see it with a real nerd crowd! ;)