Vote - Week 2

Feb 21, 2022 22:10

People often stop me on the street and say “Gary, what really matters in life?” and I tell them, “stay away from me. COVID isn’t gone. Back up.”

But, after backing up, they are still keep asking me.

And then I wonder “How did this stranger know my name? Is there some international conspiracy spying on me? Did I know them at some point and just not recognize them, or is it just one of the throng of LJ Idol super fans that wait for a chance to meet me.

If you are wondering the same thing though, I have an answer for you.

These entries. These entries matter.

Read them. Comment on them. (Trust me, that matters to the writers) and vote for your favorites! Supporting the things you enjoy matters, in this competition and in life.

The poll closes Monday, Feb 28th at 8pm. Yes, I’m giving you some extra time to read because of my own schedule, but use it to really get into each entry. There may be a quiz later. Probably not, but you never know with me! ;)

But since we are extending the time, we are also upping the risk. The 3 entries with the fewest votes will get a strike, and be one step closer to elimination. This week seems to have been rough on a lot of people, so there are people putting themselves awfully close to that elimination line…which just makes it even more important to take the time to read and comment on the entries of those who were able to get across that finish line!

Good luck to everyone!

Poll LJ Idol, 3 Strikes, Week 2

voting, 3 strikes, week 2

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