Vote - Week 2

Feb 21, 2022 22:10

People often stop me on the street and say “Gary, what really matters in life?” and I tell them, “stay away from me. COVID isn’t gone. Back up ( Read more... )

voting, 3 strikes, week 2

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Comments 6

drippedonpaper February 22 2022, 03:16:28 UTC

Good luck, everyone!


joyfulfeather February 22 2022, 19:29:21 UTC
Good luck, all!

I finally had something half-written in my head, and then I totally flubbed the deadline. Whoops!


I know that one estelle February 23 2022, 14:59:37 UTC
Where I think about it a lot and arrange and re-arrange words in my head but nothing actually gets written. It's quite dysfunctional. Not just for idol prompts but everything. Course work, emails, comments, even texts.


messygorgeous February 22 2022, 20:37:37 UTC

I knew what I wanted to write about this week, but I chaperoned a three day chorus trip for my kids - and 20 other teens, attended the baby shower for my best friend and then took my daughter to a concert in the next state over. Apparently what was “most important” to me THIS week didn’t leave time to write. Just means more time to read and comment now though!

Good luck all!


roina_arwen February 23 2022, 17:51:06 UTC
Lots of strikes here - looks like about 15 or so already have two strikes. Yikes!


hangedkay February 26 2022, 16:07:56 UTC
Lots of emotional pieces this round, which is even tougher to get through given the state of the world. But I will push through to get my votes in. Probably means minimal commenting though (not that that is new for me).


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