Green Room - Week 1 - Weekend Edition

Feb 12, 2022 11:31

Voting is still happening until tomorrow -

For those of you who have never experienced it before, what tends to happen is that people go "Oh no! I'm running out of time to vote!" and rush to the poll at the last minute. It doesn't *always* happen, but it happens enough that it's generally good idea to expect it. Results tend to shift quite a bit in the last 24 hours or so. Granted, that was when LJ was a lot more active, but still, it's good to know that ahead of time. People like waiting until the last minute. Those people who only voted for the ones who didn't turn in entries will probably also be adding in their actual votes. (You can "edit" your vote at any time. Just make sure to check that all your selections are still checked. Otherwise you might accidentally drop some votes. That's happened as well.)

So the poll closes, then there's a "results" post. Fortunately no one is leaving us this time, so I don't have to wish anyone goodbye. But when I do, comment on it. Because it's the nice thing to do, and you want other people to be saying goodbye to you when you're time comes...

Then I post the new prompt about an hour or so later, and the cycle continues.


What are you doing this weekend? It's not only just before Valentines Day, but far more importantly, it's the weekend before my 5th wedding anniversary! (also the 14th). So if you're someone who doesn't like celebrating Valentines Day, feel free to celebrate my anniversary instead!

weekend edition, 3 strikes, week 1, green room

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