Results - Week 1

Feb 13, 2022 20:41

Fortunately, no one is leaving us this week.

But the two with the fewest votes will have a strike toward their "3 strikes and you are out." It's not an easy way to start out, but it's certainly better than being eliminated after one week.

There was a tie for the second place, which means that rather than go to a run-off, ties result in a strike. (Note - I was mistaken. But rather then penalize someone else for coming forward for the correction, I am negating the second spot entirely. There is only one person with a strike this week.)

So those receiving a strike this week are:


Honestly, these are people that you should be getting some extra attention and love over the next few weeks - to see what you may be missing out on!

3 strikes, week 1, results

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