Vote - Week 1

Feb 08, 2022 21:52

The black rainbow hangs low in the sky above us all.

Or maybe that’s just the reflection of all these great entries that I’m seeing.

Either way, there is sure a lot of it.

Now it’s your time - read, comment and vote for your favorites!

Given the nature of 3 Strikes, no one will be eliminated this round. However, the 2 with the fewest votes will be marked with a “strike” against them. No one wants that.

So make sure to support your favorites - and spread the word about the cool stuff you discover. (that’s part of the fun, sharing it with others!)

The poll closes Sunday, Feb 13th at 8pm ET.

Poll LJ Idol, 3 Strikes, Week 1

Note - bleodswean had an entry. It can be found here: Obviously, this does NOT count as a strike.

voting, 3 strikes, week 1

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