Hiii everyone! *is filling in for
elliotsmelliot* sorry, I should have put this on yesterday but I had confused the dates *headdesk*.
This is your bi-weekly open post to discuss anything fic-wise that is going on in your writing life, aka what you're writing/pondering on/struggling with/not struggling with and... well, I think we all know the drill already. ;) So, feel free to discuss anything you like as long as it's writing related.
And for some questions..
1) What's on your mind writing-wise?
2) What are you working on right now?
3) If you're doing the luau, how is it working for you? And what are you getting out of it?
4) If you're on (probably deserved) vacation, which Lost character would you have with you? (Yeah, I know. Tricky question, or maybe not.)
5) Is there something you're struggling with at the moment?
*waves* Discuss away!