TQC, help me!
So I got a job at Borders for the summer, and I have training on Thursday. And I have no idea what to expect.
1. Has anyone ever worked at Borders who might remember what their training was like? How long it took, etc.? I guess it doesn't really matter but I would be interested to hear.
And more importantly...
2. What am I gonna wear?! Does anybody know what the dress code is like at Borders? Or failing that, what would you suggest for a first day there if you had to guess? I went out and bought some new clothes but I'm not sure if the outfit looks okay and if it'll be a good thing to wear.
I bought black pants, a green shirt, a white tank top to wear under the shirt since it's low cut, and cute black shoes.
Here's a close up of the shirt...
And of the shoes...
...they've got a bit of a heel plus they're a little bit flipfloppy when I walk so I'm hoping I don't regret them.
Does that look good? I'm thinking I might try the green shirt (and the tank top) with khakis instead. I dunno.
I realize I'm stressing way too much about this and being a total girl, but any opinions will help! Thanksss.