May 15, 2007 20:34
What do you all recommend I do about someone who doesn't take criticism well? Such as a song they wrote and performed and when you are asked what did you think - If the response is anything less than great the person gets all depressed, rejected and a total ass for 20 minutes because they "suck". Arg!
The person would happen to be my husband and it gets annoying. It's just not me who notices it; our mutual friend as spoken to me about it. In his case it's music videos they make. The world might exploded in my hubby's mind if his idea is rejected!
I am getting tired of lying to him when something he shows me does stink, but I know it's easier yo say great! Any advice? The prob is I am not a musician so he'd likely want reasons why, which I can't give. However if it's writing I can pick at in more detail, which he also seems to hate because “He's not the writer, I am so why does even bother!?”