You've reached the contact box for St. Matthew, Bounty Coordinator.
I accept text responses only, and do not appreciate being contacted outside the scope of my work. I don't have the time or patience for personal communication.
The current bounty list can be found
You have the following options:
Requesting a bounty on someone else.
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Comments 63
Your Name: please give a full name
Bounty's Name: again, give a full name and include a username for a player character.
Bounty Amount:
Proof of Funds: your character can just include a bank statement or something; if it's a plot point that your character can't afford the bounty, then let us know that here
Your Name: please give a full name
Bounty's Name: again, give a full name and include a username for a player character.
Bounty's Name: Teodora Lund
Bounty's Name: Adrian Hoffman
AN: Due to mind control powers, and the process of overcoming them, there may be some damage involved in Hoffman's recapture, if that's okay?
Your Name: please give a full name
Bounty's Name: again, give a full name and include a username for a player character.
Proof of Bounty: link to some evidence in the game of the bounty being carried out. remember to make the time taken to accomplish the bounty killing/capturing realistic to the difficulty level and your character's skills.
Bounty's Name: Teodora Lund
Proof of Bounty:
You have received a payout of $7,500 to your bank account.
Bounty's Name: Sofia Abspoel
Proof of Bounty:
Just remember, it's not my job to find all your clues and do your research on your bounty. Try to keep it succinct.
If this is okay, which one can we say was the escapee? Neither wants to be a full time bounty hunter but we thought it'd be a fun plot-point since they JUST moved to 5.
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