I was a beta reader for this children's book earlier this year, and I'm happy to announce that Stream Stress is now available for purchase.
From the site:
Stream Stress is... geared towards readers between the ages of four and eight. In it, Lucky and his haposaur pals, Scuttle and Cappy, head down to the stream to play. However, Cappy doesn't really want to play the type of games that his older friends are playing. Before he can make his feelings known, though, Scuttle comes ashore and hits him with a big splash of water. It is from this point that each character begins a moral filled journey as they work to come back together and make things right.
It's been pretty neat to see a book go through the planning and shaping stages to a complete product. I think it's a pretty high quality product, too. It's also priced pretty inexpensively, so if you have a kid in the 4 to 8 year old range and like what you see
(there's a preview up on the page) then I'd recommend picking up a copy.