In-Laws Visit Recap

Nov 15, 2009 23:11

Dave's folks got to our apartment close to four on Wednesday, and after giving them the tour (and telling them all about the toilet), we all just sat around and talked for a while. I had to go to help at AWANA at six, which was when his folks decided they would take Dave out for dinner after all (they had at first said they didn't want to go out since they were going to be eating out for the rest of the time here) >_< They went to Shangri La (formerly Shangri Lee), but they brought me back a katsudon bowl, which was nice. I didn't actually eat it until today, though, since it was our pastor's birthday on Wednesday, so someone brought a Costco cake to AWANA and we got all the kids to sing to him.

On Thursday, we had to wait for the plumber to come and replace our toilet before we could get down to doing anything with Dave's folks, but he came around 10, and it didn't take him too long to put in the new toilet. Turns out the old one was like a hundred years old, so it's no wonder it cracked. I'm surprised it lasted that long, really. But now we have a nice, shiny new one, so hopefully that'll be the end of that.
We decided to do some shopping, so Dave's parents could buy us some early Christmas presents that would be hard to ship/bring back, like a microwave and vacuum (as I learned when cleaning up the apartment, an electric carpet sweeper just doesn't cut it). So I took them to the Meriden Square, where we mostly just stayed in Best Buy (and Mom Pfaff impulsively got me an external hard drive. Seriously, I was like, "I should get an external hard drive sometime," and she was like, "How about this one?"). The big thing, though, was getting Dave new jeans. He tried pants on in three different stores and got a pair in each one. We didn't end up getting a vacuum, though, as none of us could agree on what exactly to get (Dave didn't want an expensive one, I didn't want a big one, Dad Pfaff wanted one like his daughter Katie got, and Mom Pfaff was leaning toward a bigger one).
We were also eating out with my folks that night, but we got back with a little time, which Dave used to set up the microwave (more than 1100 watts of power, yes!). Anyway, we met Mom and Dad at Vespucci's, an Italian place in town (that used to be a Carvel), and we all had a good time. My aunt even showed up unexpectedly (to everyone but Mom and Dad), right when we were talking about her, how weird is that?

On Friday, we were going to go to the Yankee Candle flagship store in Deerfield, but at the last minute we decided to go to Mystic instead (we were going to go on Saturday originally), since it was supposed to rain all day Saturday, and since half of the Mystic Aquarium is outside, it made sense to go then instead. And since it was 9:30 by the time we finally got going, I was able to grab the pass from the library, although that only got us a discount for two adults. And then it ended up raining before we did the outside stuff anyway, and it rained for the whole rest of the day. Dave's folks had fun anyway, and I got maple sugar and fudge in Olde Mistick Village, so it was all good.
The reason we had been planning on going to Deerfield on Friday was because there was a Harvest Banquet at church that evening, and we had to make sure we were back in time for it. But with how early we started, we had plenty of time (and with all the rain, we didn't really feel like sticking around that long).

So, since we were going to Deerfield on Saturday, I made sure to get started on my library volunteer work right when the library opened at 9:30. Now, when we parted the night before, I'd told Dave's folks that I would call when I was done and they could come over to the apartment then, but when I got back, Dave's parents were already there, and spent the morning hashing things out with Dave that didn't have too much to do with me. But it took so long that they didn't really want to drive the hour and a half to Deerfield, so instead, we all went out to a late lunch, checked out vacuums at Walmart and actually got one this time, and then went to see "Pirate Radio" (which was awesome). Still, I wish I'd known things were going to turn out like that. I wouldn't have rushed right out to the library in that case.

This morning, Dave's folks went to church with us, but then we went our separate ways, since I had to go to work, and they had to go to the airport. Dave went with them so he could go to some kind of conference in Indy, so I've got the apartment to myself until Wednesday afternoon.

travel, family, husband, weather, shopping

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