Fri, 3/30: Kind of a long Friday night, too. Did Adv KB as usual, which was pretty fun as we did some some good engagment exercises. Not quite full sparring, but either contact drills, or sparring w/ restricted tools (only kicks, only certain types of kicks, etc). After that my dad told me I could meet up w/ him and my Uncle Vic's family for dinner. I prolly stayed at that a lil' too late since I was supposed to get home, cook my chowder and do my laundry in preparation for Saturday. I have to admit, I also dawdled a bit too much once I got home... I ended up staying up till like 1a or so ^^;;
Sat, 3/31: Which got me up late for class :/ I got there about 15 or so min before KB got over, so I only attended Kali/JKD, unfortunately *sigh* The rest of the day went pretty well though. Thanks to everyone who showed up, I hope you all had a good time and were fed well between my chowder,
damienroc's chili (which was fantastic, BTW) and various snacks.
I only got to partake of 4 different games, 2 of them being Heroscape, but it was all good gaming in the end. We saw Team Hard To Kill and Team Doritos (eat all you want, we'll make more) do very well. Team Hard To Kill was comprised mostly of army cards that had various death escape abilities (I think
bluegodjanus used 3 of the 4 different agent army cards) and Team Doritos had the new zombies in it as well as the good ol' Marro Warriors (my favorite cheap ranged squad).
One of the other games I got to play was the new Carcassone, which is not an expansion to the current game, but a slight revamping of the game in a new version. It's a bit simpler, and IMO the scoring system is much better. You can pull your guys off the board anytime you want, which really changes how you commit your guys. Oh, and also, that's how you score. You draw, play, and then either add or remove a marker. If you remove a marker, you score the terrain they were on at the time of removal. I like it, since it puts you a little less at the mercy of the tiles and makes you less afraid to commit all your tokens.
Sadly I cannot recall the name of the remaining game I got to play, but it was pretty fun. It was another tile laying game, which is always a good start to me (I love tile laying or tile revealing; anything where the board is different every game). Basically you lay down tiles and try to build settlements on a volcanic island. There are rules for tiles being laid on existing tiles, representing erupting volcanoes and new land emerging on the old. It's both necessary for meeting height requirements for construction, as well as an offensive maneuver. It can also be an interesting strategy to break up a big settlement of your own in order to give yourself options. Can someone remind me what this game is called? ^^;;
Sun, 4/1: I ended up staying up kinda late, between the last people leaving after 1a and staying up hanging out w/ my bro who had come down for the weekend. Got me up really late the next day. I felt a bit sluggish, so I skipped climbing. I hope I didn't get a bug from someone that came over, as today I'm feeling it a bit more. Just kinda feel sapped, but not really sick. A bit irritated in the sinuses, but I'm hoping that's just allergies. My dad, bro and I went out to see TMNT, which was a fun lil' film. It was very obviously targetted to kids (short, simple and to the point), but it was an exciting little ride. The animation was very pretty; I have to admit that during the fight in the rain I couldn't stop thinking about how cool the water effects looked =PP
Later that evening
damienroc came over to hang out and we watched
Nana 36 and one of my Netflix movies,
My Schoolmate, the Barbarian. I think I only got it because of a movie we had watched before,
House of Fury (it shares actors; specifically one we can't get over the fact that he looks like a very young Jackie Chan). It was honestly not that great. It was enjoyable in it's cheesy little way, but it was poorly constructed. If you're in a modern kung fu B-movie mood, it should suit you well, but don't take it too seriously beyond that. The best part had to be at the end during the final battle where one of the main characters (who is pinned and cannot fight) is calling out to the other (weaker) fighter to do his "special moves", since he is more familiar w/ video game fighting than the real life version. It was done in a nicely cheesy manner that entertained in that "oh my god, no way" manner.