minor update

May 24, 2006 12:25

I have not posted an update in quite some time... largely because I really haven't been online, or when I am, I am not on lj.  I guess I'm just not feeling all that communicative.  Or, I don't have anything to communicate?  Maybe that's it.  I read your journals, folks, but don't feel like I have much to say.

It seems that I have pneumonia, which has left me bedridden for almost a week, barely conscious most of the time, and hacking my fool head off when I am conscious.  So, that's been fun.  I mostly lay in bed, listening to Tom Waits, reading this large sci-fi book, Babylon Babies---which has yet (even nearing the half-way point as I am) to start making much sense, but it has sustained my interest, so I should not complain---as well as old issues of Transmetropolitan .  I feel hungry all the time, but also nauseated, so the idea of eating (not to mention the actual fact) turns my stomach.  Not that anyone of you want to know this, but I spend a lot of time in the WC.  As I say, fun.

What is really terrible is that I have not been to rehearsal in more than a week---rehearsals were cancelled last Wednesday and Thursday because of bad weather (we're in an outdoor theatre) and I missed Monday and Tuesday because of the afforementioned illness.  Sitting at home reading my lines is all well and good, but I have be onstage, with the rest of the cast, otherwise I'm just talking to myself.  Ben, the director, has been very understanding, but next week is tech week, so time is running out.

I have been working on my novel, which is a plus, and I really feel the story, the characters, the city, and the events therein, coming together.  I really feel the city, Carthage, its buildings and neighborhoods---probably, at least in part, because it is based on bits and pieces of places I have been, places I love, like New Orleans, Dublin, Chicago, San Francisco (as well as New York, which I have visited 3 times, but would hardly say I love), and I remember streets and alleys and have combined those memories into a kind of urban collage.  Honestly, though, I have no idea how close I am to being finished, which is a question I was asked recently---I just could not think of an answer.  Should that worry me?

Hope all of you are well.

illness, stress, depression, good literature, writing

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