Pregnancy or pms?

Jul 11, 2022 07:24

So I can test tomorrow. I have a blood test scheduled Wednesday but if a home test is negative I’m not driving all the way there just to get bad news.

I’m so, so worried it’ll be negative and we have to do ivf. I know our chances are better with ivf but it’s so incredibly expensive and honestly I’m worried it won’t work. I’m worried whatever is wrong I’m just never going to get pregnant. I guess everyone going through that feels this way. It makes me really angry when people like Mandee complain about not being able to have children when she hasn’t actually done any of the testing or diagnostics or treatment to make it happen and here I am trying everything and none of it is working. And no one can tell me why.

Anyway. My boobs have been hurting since we did IUI pretty much. Which is a little odd for me. They hurt after ovulation sometimes but only the left hurt last time. Which probably means nothing. I didn’t have any symptoms before I found out I was pregnant last time. So hopefully we got lucky. I almost don’t want to test because I don’t want to see a negative. I’m so tired of this whole process.
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