It's late/early. I got back to the Drive to discover that my wonderful lady had set up my bedroom eMac with a cable that connects me to the interwubs, all from the convenience of my very comfortable bed. She takes care of me in so many ways, and I am a very lucky fish indeed. She asks me for stories, anything that I've written, saying that she needs these things, no matter how trivial they may seem to me. Every time I try to think of something to write, my brain and hand falter, unable to come to any sort of mutual agreement, but I need to try. How can I possibly say no to her?
Yesterday I was able to get almost two hours of music writing done. I played some of the music that I've been working on for my lady, although it was a rather nerve-wracking experience for me. One advantage to being so nervous is that I become hypercritical of what I've written. I'm able to see the patterns that are occurring from song to song, uncertain if they're simply an indication of my continually evolving writing "style" or an indication that I'm being lazy, relying on gimmickry and the familiar instead of challenging myself? Regardless of the answer, I do need to spend more time writing, but I need to be doing it with the very real goal of getting some of it performed and/or recorded. It may not be much, but at least it's mine.