Happy 4 month B-day to Marlowe!!

Jul 24, 2006 11:11

Marlowe is 4 months old today! Way to go little man!! ;)
I just had to go on a shopping spree because he's grown out of everything we had for him pretty much. He's around 17lbs and 27" tall!
He's rolling over from back to front in bed when we're side laying breastfeeding and Friday during play group he rolled over from front to back! Wheee Milestone!
Today he grabbed his feet and started playing with them, another Milestone!
His baby talk is changing, he still likes to squeal alot, but he's got combination sounds, like 'goo gaa' and he's been playing with the 'doh' sound alot too lately.
His head control is awesome. Jim plays superman with him (baby resting across Jim's shins with them bent and in the air) and Marlowe just has a blast with it.
He's grabbing things with a passion; including holding himself up when I was holding him with one arm by holding onto my hair!
Breastfeeding is still a trial, but still not giving up. Got another round of medicines to try coming in the mail; some that help let down and others that supposedly increase the milk producing tissue.
Talked to another Lactation Consultant with Holy Cross this morning; with everything I've been trying and the still constant supply level (approx 2 oz per feeding) she suggested I get my Thyroid checked out. So I'm going in today to get that done. Apparently, most of the symptoms of low-thyroid are the same as post-partum! And it can be brought on by delivery! Depression, hair loss, lack of appetite (was just commenting on this to a friend last week, normally I need something every 2 hours and I just havn't been hungry), loss of weight or weight gain - I've been gaining weight since delivery and I'm not eating that much. Anyways, it can also cause low milk production; and if I have it I can take a supplement to even out my system and my milk production might increase. I hope so; this is killing me!

Our weekend was pretty quiet; normal baby stuff. I hosted playgroup on Friday and that was fun. House is really nice and clean; hope it stays that way! Can't even remember what I did on Saturday.... Nursed, pumped, dealt with fussy baby, played some games, watched some Stargate. Then Sat night dealt with sick daddy; I think I gave him food poisoning with a not fully cooked chicken breast. I had no problems, but since I always give him the larger breast, maybe his wasn't cooked throughly? Anyways, he was throwing up all night, so between him and the baby feeding, didn't get much sleep. Was tired all day Sunday; but needed diapers and larger clothes for the little man who is now wearing 12mth clothing! So left Jim at home to rest and went to Prince Georges Plaza mall - which has a Old Navy baby section, BabyGap, Children's Place, plus a Hechts and Target with baby sections. Old Navy really pissed me off as they had the newborn area filled with sale items for adults and you couldn't get to the baby clothes at all! Plus the music was so loud Marlowe started crying, so screw them. BabyGap has good deals in their clearance area, so got a few things there. Same with Hechts. Target had squat that we wanted. Everyone has lots of cool baby GIRL clothes; but not so much for boys. I guess they think they want to go naked? Went to Babies R Us and got a bunch of onesie packs for 9mths and 12mths that were on sale, plus diapers. Marlowe melted down in the store and we had to retreat to the Mommy's room to diaper change and comfort nurse him a bit. He has a real problem nursing when he's upset and hates all the normal positions - at home we have to side lay for him to be patient. I discovered he can sit up on my lap and rest his cheek against my breast and nurse without freaking out. He calmed down after that and was perfect babyman again!
Also ordered a bunch of clothes from Gymboree - my favorite place for baby clothes! Very neat stuff and not as sterotypical as the other chains. Plus the clothes are soft and roomy. So I think we're set for clothes for the rest of the year hopefully!

Marlowe has a wish list on Amazon though, just in case anyone wants to get him something ;) Probably gonna get him an Exersaucer after I research them a bit, heard they might be bad for leg development and want to be sure it's ok.

Waiting to hear on my latest job application. This one is for a 14 in my current branch; the job I really want. They've submitted the decision to personnel, so think positive thoughts for me!

Off to see the babyman and then to the doctor!
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