Marlowe Update

Jul 18, 2006 10:12

I'll try not to whine about my Breastfeeding woes too much here, I do that over at the Breastfeeding community. But we're up to about 50/50 on breastmilk and formula. Somewhat better than the 30/60. Marlowe is giving me fits about BFing right now, as his neck problem is not totally gone, but after out last visit to the Specialist about that and he hurt Marlowe so bad when he was checking him out - the guy was a total asshole and I nearly punched him when he hurt my baby. I realize that the whole neck thing hurts, but he could be a bit more freaking gentle! So we were supposed to keep doing the neck exercises for another month and I havn't been doing them and his neck seems to bug him again in certain positions, one of them being our normal BFing position. So he'd cry and struggle when we'd try to feed. Much suck. Baby cries. Mommy cries. Mommy's way too stressed to produce milk. Baby cries cause he's not getting any milk, etc etc. Bad circle.

Lactation Consultant thinks I have enough milk - my breasts have grown even bigger in the last month with all the pills and pumping I've been doing to increase my supply. But I'm so tense/stressed out, that it can't let down. So I'm gonna spend the money to get another round of massages - one every Saturday for the next month and see if that will help. I'm also trying to meditate again and I am getting from a 1/2 to an ounce more when I really focus on my breathing and taking it easy.

Marlowe has excellent head/neck control and he loves it when we hold him in a sitting position. He's even trying to sit up on his own, lifting his head and shoulds up from the floor/bed. He's not into rolling over yet, but he will do it at night when he's chasing my breast around the bed. ;) It's so cute how he wiggles over to me when he's half asleep and hungry. His eyesight is great, he watches me or daddy from across the room and turns his head to watch us move. He's grabbing toys with both hands and bringing them to his mouth. All things that are a bit 'early' by the developmental chart.

He's around 15 1/2 lbs and 27 inches long! Next monday is his 4 Month birthday. That puts him at the 100th percentile on height for his age! And the 75% for weight - MUCH better than the 10% he was at when I first discovered I was having breast milk issues. So I just got to keep telling myself he's doing great, I'm doing the best I can and try to give myself a break.

He goes to sleep around 6 to 7pm and sleeps 4 to 5 hours that first one. Then he normally wakes up every 3 hours to feed after that. Last night was hard, he was up almost constantly from 3am on. He'd want to nurse and would fall asleep as soon as he had my nipple in his mouth. Since we're just nursing laying in bed next to each other (the only position he's not freaking out about) we'd both fall asleep and when my nipple fall out of his mouth, he'd wake up crying wanting it again. Not sure what that was all about, but definately a comfort issue rather than a hunger issue. We suspect he might be starting to teeth. His drool levels are picking up and he definately keeps chewing on anything he can get his hands on. He's also tugging on his ear when nursing. All supposed teething signs. Might also be part of the reason he's crying while nursing, but not sure.

Sure wish he could TELL us what was wrong. It's so hard to guess guess guess.

Most of his hair has fallen out, at least in a ring around his head. But it's already coming back in and seems to be a lighter brown. Jim claims he can see a change to his eye color when his pupils are really small, but I think he's seeing things. I hope his eyes stay BLUE! :)
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