Apr 05, 2005 16:37
So spring break is indeed over. HA but NOW is when the fun begins!! The WRATH of HORRIBLE spring break stories! hoorah. They are all utterly hilarious. Now, just to make sure you're in the right viewpoint of *hilarious* with me, I'm talking about how absurd the sources of these stories are. I love hearing all the guys rave on about how many "honeys" they cruised around with down the beach last friday... when we ALL truthfully know that in real life, the only place they were cruisin around was aisle 3 of wal-mart, and, undoubtedly, the only "honey" by his side = his momma.
I'm in desperate need of a new pair of "workin' out" shoes ...suggestions, anyone?
The pope died. sad times. You know, I really dont think his 4590248102587 pound outfit exactly helped his condition ...someone should have gotten that man some hanes tees, night-night pants, and a kangol beanie a long time ago. It could have added years to his life. y e a r s.
I had a ton-a-fun this morning helping Fowler run her operation to get those friggen grad invitations out ...Kirby and Carol have recently become co-T.A.'s with me, they ditch their own T.A. work and just come chill with Fowler and me, they're both super fun. Matt tried to get me to ride the dolly today ...I would have totally accepted it, if we had another dolly for someone to race me with. Cheap school = lack of dollies = no dolly races :(
The bathrooms in our school have no locks on the doors. Grossaroo. They are, however, more entertaining than Jay Leno on a Monday night. I went in to get some tissue and noticed the door said said "toilet tennis.. look right!" .."look left!" .....now, if we could just get kids to channel this ingenuity into something productive...
This was incredibly random and really had nothing to do with anything I've been drowned in the past week ...but upon request, enjoy!