Mar 26, 2010 09:59
I got my ring in the mail last night! It's actually a little big on me (my ring fingers used to be a size 8, but I guess they've shrunk despite my weight gain). But it stays on, so I'm fine with that. Also, it's pretty. YAY! I did have to take it off and set it in Kevin's lap, and then hold out my hand suggestively so he'd put it on me, but YAY RING! It's sparkly! You can tell it's fake, but Iiiiiiiiiiii doooooooooon't caaaaaaaaaaare.
Also, I feel like I'm searching for Yellowbeard's treasure this morning. If you haven't seen the movie Yellowbeard, you should. It's a Cheech and Chong meets Monty Python flick (literally, they banded together to do this one). Yellowbeard was drunk when he buried his treasure. So, instead of '30 paces to the west,' his map goes 'STAGGER, stagger, crawl, ROLL, stagger, stagger!'
And the reason for this is, my doctor has put me on Risperdol. I went in yesterday because I'm experiencing mild visual and auditory hallucinations (hearing people calling my name when nobody is in fact doing so, leaving work early because I think the clock reads 4:30 when it doesn't, etc.) She says she thinks it's because the Lexapro is treating the depression but not the anxiety. She told me Risperdol was a mood stabilizer, but it's actually an atypical antipsychotic which has now also been approved for treatment of bipolar, and for use in combination with antidepressants for anxiety and depression. I am feeling really calm today.
Unfortunately, it also zonked me out, and it was EXTREMELY hard to wake up this morning. I think if it weren't for the fact that I take my allergy meds and my Lexapro in the mornings (both of these wake me up) that I'd still be staggering around bumping into things. I slept really deeply, though. I asked Kevin if it made me any less active last night, but he said it hadn't. It did make me more vocal.
I was laughing, though. I actually spent all night dreaming I was looking at stuffed toy dragons, and picking out toys to give to my family. At one point I was with Kevin in a gas station and he found me a tiny fuzzy dragon with giant wall-eyes and a doofy-looking expression on his doofy little face. I bust up laughing it was so stupid-looking and told Kevin that was the one I wanted. I think that's when he heard me laugh out loud in my sleep. So that was different. It was kind of nice. There was a section in the middle with a Final Fantasy-based segment involving a lot of drama on a giant ship (like one that goes in the water, not in space), but it rapidly turned into an entire warehouse-sized cargo-hold full of toys and me getting to pick out whatever I wanted for myself and my family. Including a giant stuffed dragon as big as myself with a Yankees logo on its neck (I don't know why it was a baseball-related dragon, but whatevs.)
And today, other than being really, really, really tired and having a hard time waking up, I... am calm. I'm hoping I get over this stagger-stagger-crawl-crawl thing, though, and the having a hard time keeping my eyes open. Also, my doctor referred me to a psychiatrist. This is great, because when I was calling around town looking for one, none of them were accepting new patients. So hopefully since the doctor's calling them saying PLEASE TAKE THIS WOMAN OMG I can get in and get a professional opinion on my depression + anxiety. In the meantime, I'm going to hope my dreams stay pleasant and enjoy them while I can. :)
dream journal,