Jul 13, 2005 17:09
"-after which our seperating selves become museums
filled with skilfully stuffed memories"
i have developed an unhealthy obsession with buying used cds from spinstreet. i enjoy having the music around, yes, to listen to to keep the radio out of my working ears but i've been spending all my extra cash on this stuff. it's funny what people give away: dylan, bruce springsteen, led zeppelin, in utero (which i would've bought new had it not been right up front staring at me) i even found a palace brothers cd. the list goes on. all in great condition with a guarantee.
i may owe my roommate $100. stupid fucking small victory mutha fucka. maybe the butthole surfers did write that stupid song. (i googled it just now to make sure.) but from what i've heard of them it just didn't seem like their style. i was still fuming from a bad beat at poker. i think i'm gonna give him the $100. he deserves it after the fit i threw. raggle fraggin dadnabbin son of motherless goat. how petty has my life become? quite.
it's hard to type when your nose is running and itchy. esp. when you are at a public library where you don't wannna slime up the keys for the next guy (now that i think about that... no i won't think) occasionally my nose just flips out and my whole head with it. my vision blurs. my nose desperately trying to pull a bewitched. agony. but i got my shift covered tonight so maybe i'll just stay in and get better. or not.
maybe i'll go spend my money on music. i think there just may be a rolling stones cd for $7.99 just waiting to be in my possession.
keep fighting the good fight. but don't kill yourself in the process.
i'll do what i can but there are no mountains around to shout from.