Sep 17, 2005 21:09
My first DVD ordered off of arrived! I bought Off The Chain. It's a documentary about dogfighting. It was absolutely heart-breaking. To see what these people did to their dogs and to hear them talk about how they loved their dogs. If these people really loved their dogs, they wouldn't mistreat them and put them in a ring with another dog to fight. They sat there talking about how it was their dogs' choice to fight. How is it the dog's choice? They are trained to fight another dog for two years of their life or a little less. These people put them in a closed in ring with another Pit, and they fight... just like they were trained to do. Personally, I think that people who fight dogs should be tortured to death. I would have absolutely no sympathy for them. If I could stop the person torturing them, I wouldn't. Nobody stopped them from torturing their dogs. It's a good documentary. It really shows the truth about dogfighting. Over two million American Pit Bulls are euthanized every year in the U.S., and countless more die for other reasons such as neglect, abuse, and fighting. These people are stupid. Even my dad agreed that they should all be shot, and my dad and I aren't people who are usually so insensitive towards other people. In this case, though, those fuckers can rot in Hell for all I care.
Hate the deed, not the breed.
XOXO's, Emily