Trusting You to Catch Me - Chapter Sixteen

Jun 20, 2012 14:17

Title: Trusting You to Catch Me
Author: Sio & Maura
Rating: NC-17
Length: 91,606
Spoilers: Everything up to On My Way and then deviating from there with minor Big Brother references.
Pairing: Santana/Quinn, Brittany/Santana/Quinn/Rachel friendship, mentions of Brittany/Santana, some Finn/Rachel (not positive)
Summary: Following her accident, Quinn experiences the gamut of emotion: denial to acceptance to healing and everything in between. But through it all are her friends patiently helping her with caring and friendship and maybe more.
Warnings (highlight to read): eating disorders, severe accident recovery, graphic sex, verbal abuse, minor violence, family issues, cheating, body image issues

Chapter 16

"They're cute," Quinn whispered into Santana's ear from where she was leaning against her on the couch.

Brittany and Rachel were passed out on the loveseat across from them in the dark room. The flickering light from the tv screen oddly illuminated how Brittany had managed to somehow curl her entire body into the limited space of the loveseat with her head in Rachel's lap. Rachel, for her part, had managed to wedge herself into the corner with her head lolling back against the back of the seat and one of her hands limply draped over Brittany's shoulder. They looked like a pair of children who'd fallen asleep watching cartoons more than anything else.

Santana nodded. "They are," she whispered before running her hand over Quinn's thigh. "Want to go to bed?" she whispered, as she looked up into her friend's eyes.

"With you?" she asked softly, biting her lip with a shy smile as she reached down to tangle her fingers with Santana over her thigh. "I... I want to walk. Can I? No chair, just you?"

Santana stood up and extended her hands. "Come on," she whispered, "Let's go to bed."

Quinn took her hands with a deep breath and slowly stood until she was wobbling slightly on uncertain legs in front of Santana. "Do we have to sleep?" she asked shyly as she put her arm around Santana's shoulders, grateful for the assistance after a long day.

"No," she whispered and walked with her until they got into Quinn's bedroom. She moved Quinn so she could rest against the bed as Santana moved around the room and lit the jar candle that rested on Quinn's night stand. "We can do whatever you want," she assured her softly as she moved to turn off the overhead light and let the room be bathed in a soft glow.

She watched her move about the room as she pulled herself more onto the bed. "Can I kiss you?" she asked quietly, her eyes following Santana. "I want... I think I want to lie back and kiss you for a while. If... that's okay."

"Do you mind if I take off this dress?" she asked softly. "I have short typed things on under it... But I want to be comfortable while kissing you."

Quinn blushed and nodded as she worried her bottom lip. "Do you," her cheeks were dark even in the flickering light of the candle, "could you maybe help with mine too?"

Santana smiled. "Yes, please," she whispered and unzipped her black dress and slid it to the floor. She stepped out of it and stood infront of Quinn in just boyshort panties and a form fitting, black, thin strapped tank top. She leaned over and brushed her fingers against Quinn's neck as she tugged down the zipper on the blonde's dress, "Up," she stated as she helped Quinn stand so she could pull it over her head.

Quinn's lip was caught between her teeth when it finally cleared her head leaving her standing there in nothing but her short, white slip and underwear, but she was smiling softly at Santana as her arms fell down to rest gently on her hips. "I'm... we're not ready for," she blushed and nodded, "you know... but I want this to be special..."

"I'm not ready either," Santana admitted as slipped her arms around Quinn's neck. "But I am ready to kiss you."

"Good," she whispered, sinking down onto the bed and pulling Santana with her. "Thank you so much for," she sighed softly, "everything, San. I don't think I'd have gotten this far if you hadn't been here encouraging me."

Santana laid on her side and watched Quinn for a second, "Thank you for making me feel normal," she whispered and leaned in and pressed a teasing kiss to Quinn's lips, "and wanted." She kissed her again and smiled, "You should know I want you just as much if not more."

"Not possible," Quinn murmured with a shy smile, pulling her into a deeper kiss.

She smiled and kissed back, her hands weaving in the girl's hair and pulling her close. Quinn whimpered softly into the kiss and tried to roll onto her back. Frustrated, she finally pulled away with a soft gasp.

"I want you on top," she whispered. "I don't want to work at this right now, San. I just want to enjoy it..."

"Okay," she whispered and moved so she could swing over the girl's hips and hover over her. "How's this?"

"Good," she smiled softly, reaching up to run her fingers through Santana's hair, "but you should be closer." She pulled the other girl to her, leaning up slightly to meet her lips with a searching kiss.

Santana kissed her, their lips just pressing together for a long, slow moment before she slipped her tongue between the other girl's lips. She whimpered softly as the kiss progressed, her body responding with electric jolts every time their tongues slid against each other.

Quinn whimpered softly. It wasn't enough. She wanted more, craved it. Her nails raked against the back of Santana's neck, pulling her closer as she explored her mouth, panting softly for breath. Daring against herself, she reached for one of Santana's hands and pushed it up under her slip, needing the feeling of the other girl's hands against her skin.

The smaller girl gasped as she felt Quinn's skin under her hand. She kissed Quinn harder and slipped her hand up under the girl's slip until she reached the edge of her bra. She felt warm skin and the frantic pounding of Quinn's heart under her hands as she pulled Quinn's bottom lip into her mouth and sucked.

It helped at the same time as it made the fire under her skin that much worse. Every brush of Santana's slim fingers over her skin sent waves of cold fire shooting through her. She shivered from her touch but when she felt her sucking on her lip she let out a low moan of want. "San," she gasped, her hand sliding down to brush over her hand through her slip as she tugged on it, "off... I need... just... off..."

Santana looked down at her and nodded slowly once she realized what Quinn was asking for. She carefully let her hands slide down to the bottom of the slip and then slide it up with her hands. She pulled it over Quinn's shoulders and head and threw it aside before looking at the swell of her breasts encapsulated by a cream bra, "Beautiful," she whispered as she let her fingers trace down the girl's sternum.

"Really?" she asked softly, embarrassed by the still fairly raw looking scars dappling her body from her accident. She looked down at herself. "I don't feel beautiful..."

"You are," she whispered, "So amazingly stunning and sexy."

"How do you do that?" Quinn whispered softly, looking up at Santana. "How do you see me like that?" She reached up to brush some of Santana's hair back behind her ear.

"Because it's true." She shrugged as she let her fingers trace the scars. "Even more so now. You look beautiful and real..."

"Because I'm all beat up?" she asked softly. She hadn't been able to look in a mirror while she was naked since the accident. "San, please don't..."

"Sorry," she whispered as she leaned down and kissed the skin between her breasts.

"Kiss me?" she whispered nervously, suddenly realizing she wasn't ready for Santana's lips to be so close to her breasts.

She nodded, leaning up to kiss the blonde's lips. She left her hands on Quinn's shoulders as they kissed softly, her hands gently caressing the other girl's skin. Quinn relaxed into the kiss now that her injuries didn't feel like the focus anymore. She whimpered softly as she let one of her hands trace along the muscles of Santana's upper arm and shoulder. Slipping her tongue along Santana's lower lip, she gently coaxed her to open up and let her in as they kissed.

Santana deepened the kiss, causing her to lean closer to Quinn which made her core rub against Quinn's stomach causing her to moan. Quinn squirmed slightly at the feeling of dampness rubbing against her skin, unknowingly increasing Santana's stimulation. The hand on Santana's shoulder slipped down to her lower arm and over her wrist before pushing it down as she moaned softly into the kiss.

She pushed on her wrist, leading her down over her breast - the brush of Santana's fingers over her stiffening nipple even through her bra making her whimper. When she got her down past her bra, she pulled away from the kiss. Looking up at Santana trustingly, she tugged her hand back up, trying to let her know without words that it was okay to reach under the cream material.

"You sure?" she panted as she toyed with the edge of the fabric, her fingers slipped under the material and ran across smooth skin until she hit the slightly elevated outer skin of Quinn's nipple. She didn't realize she was holding her breath, her hand was nearly shaking when she finally landed on Quinn's erect nipple. "F-fuck," she exhaled as she let her fingers stroke over it.

Quinn gasped, her back arching slightly to try and increase the contact. "San," she whimpered, her other hand moving to grip her neck and pull her down into a hard kiss to try and distract herself from the electric jolts seeming to shoot through her with every brush of Santana's fingers.

Santana groaned as she stroked and ran her thumb over her nipple. She kissed her desperately as she moved her hand and tried to memorize every feeling. She pulled away, her lips pressing down Quinn's neck and sucking gently on her skin.

"San," Quinn gasped, rolling her head away as her hand tangled in her hair, holding her in place. She tugged on Santana's shirt. "Off... w-wanna feel you..."

She nodded, letting her shirt get pulled up over her head. "Not wearing a bra," she whispered into Quinn's neck before sitting back to let the blonde tug the shirt over her head and toss it aside.

Once what Santana had said sunk in - and the visual evidence in front of her really couldn't be denied either - Quinn couldn't manage to make her mind work to do anything but stare fixedly at Santana's chest. She swallowed, almost unaware of how one of her hands was sliding up over Santana's hip towards her chest. "C-can I...?" she asked, wanting permission to touch the small but beautiful breasts before her more than anything in that moment.

"Yes, please," she whispered. "Please, Quinn," she sat up and looked down at Quinn, "touch me."

Quinn could only nod slowly as she watched her hand continue sliding up Santana's nude torso seemingly of its own volition. When it crested the lower swell of one soft mound, she let out a soft whimper which turned into a groan much deeper than usually came out of her throat. She squeezed gently, amazed at the feeling of the hard peak of Santana's nipple pressing into the palm of her hand. She licked her lips as she watched her fingers close around the tip, gently rolling and tugging the bud.

Santana's hips rocked against Quinn as her breast was manipulated. "Baby," she panted as she ran a hand through her cascading hair.

Quinn could feel the wetness soaking through Santana's boyshorts as she ground herself against her stomach. "Is that," she licked her lips as her other hand slid down to cup and knead the girl's neglected breast, "because of me?" she asked softly, nodding down towards her stomach with a shyly uncertain smile.

"Yeah," Santana panted, her mind trying to stop her body's subconscious rock against her lover. She slipped her hand back into Quinn's bra and stroked her breast the same as she was doing to her own.

She let out a startled squeak that made her stomach jump as the feelings seemed to shoot straight to her core when Santana resumed her touching of her breasts. "I," she gasped, her hips rocking subtly, "I... I felt that," she panted, eyes wide.

"I hope you did," Santana whimpered, not connecting what Quinn was telling her.

"N-no," Quinn gasped, writhing beneath Santana. "I felt it there," she panted, trying to focus on the tightening feeling and the sensation of slick wetness between her thighs. It was the first time she'd really experienced any kind of arousal since the accident and while she knew they weren't really ready to have sex, she didn't know if she wanted to stop or keep doing what they were doing.

Santana looked at her then realized. "Oh! Is that okay? Does it hurt?" she asked as her hands stopped moving.

"Don't stop!" she whined, pushing up against her as hard as she could. "I can feel it, San. I can feel," she gasped, looking up at her with an amazed smile and suspiciously bright eyes. "I'm not broken..."

"Of course you're not!" Santana exclaimed as she kept stroking her breast. She leaned down and kissed the side of the girl's neck as she kept running her fingers over her lover's nipple.

"I want," she panted, letting her eyes close, "I want to see how much I can feel without... doing that," she gasped. "C-can we?"

Santana looked up. "Baby, I don't understand," she said softly, running her hands down to take Quinn's hands into her own and thread their fingers together.

Quinn whimpered, opening her eyes and looking up at San, "I... I want to know it works, San. I wanna know... but I don't wanna take any more off yet..."

"What do you want to know?" she whispered, as she pressed her lips lightly against Quinn's. "Tell me, please."

She took a shaky breath. "I don't know if I can," she swallowed, blushing embarrassedly, "climax. C-can you without... you know," she shrugged, nodding towards her lower body.

"You want me to make you come?" she whispered with a slow smile. "I can do that."

"Can you?" Quinn whispered, uncertainly. "I... don't think I," she hesitated, embarrassed, "have."

"That's okay," Santana said as she moved her hand back to her breast and started playing with the girl's breast again. "Tell me if you want me to stop, okay?"

"Okay," she nodded, letting her eyes fall closed again to lose herself in the feelings Santana was creating in her. "S-san?" she whispered shyly after a moment of stifling her moans with her lip caught between her teeth, "I feel... damp. Is it sweat?"

"Have you never turned yourself on?" she asked softly. "You're aroused, so am I... Can you feel how wet I am for you?" she asked as she slid her hand down Quinn's stomach and rested her hand on the skin right next to her own core.

"Of c-course I have," she panted, dragging her eyes back open. "I... what if it doesn't really work, San? It has to work... I can't be with you if it doesn't..."

"Yes, you can," She whispered, "I don't care about sex... I mean I do... But we're gonna be so much more than that," Santana smiled as she looked down at Quinn.

"No," she whined, "you don't understand! I want that, San. I want it to work. I just," she huffed in frustration, rubbing her thighs together awkwardly. "Can't you check?"

Santana just chuckled and rolled off Quinn and slid her hand down her stomach. "Yeah, I'll check." She whispered as she leaned over and kissed the skin above her belly button before sliding her fingers over the girl's panties and moaning and how damp the fabric was. "F-fuck..."

Quinn bit her lip, barely keeping herself from rolling her hips up into Santana's hand. "I-is it?" she asked softly, the feeling of Santana's hand on her most intimate place - even with her panties separating them - making her tremble.

"Yeah, so very much..." she whimpered. "You're so amazing, Quinn..." She kissed Quinn's stomach again before sliding her thumb up and down the wet cleft of her panties. "Can you feel me touching you?"

"Y-yeah," she gasped, her head pressed back into her pillows and fingers tightening in her sheets. "F-feels good, San. But... I need you. Kiss me?"

She nods and moved up and pressed a kiss to Quinn's lips, her thumb stroking and then pressing on the girl's heated core. The sounds Quinn gasped into her mouth were barely human as her legs spread wider on the bed, letting Santana's thumb slide slightly deeper into her folds, pressing the soaked fabric against her clit.

"S-san!" she gasped, a hand shooting up to clutch at her neck and pull her close, kissing desperately, her tongue searching her mouth as she tried to keep control.

"Let go," Santana coaxed. "Just relax and let me love you okay?" she whispered in between kisses.

She whimpered and gasped, her muscles trembling as she came closer and closer. Finally she stiffened with a thinly gasped "S-san!" as her body clenched in climax. She could feel her walls rippling and clenching against nothing in the split second before it hit her mind and blanked her out.

Santana watched Quinn's face before moving her hand away. She stroked the girl's hair and pressed kisses to her neck. "So beautiful," She whispered, "Thank you, Quinn..."

Quinn's breath slowly deepened as she finally managed to open her eyes. "It works," she whispered with a shy smile, reaching a weak hand to tangle her fingers with Santana's. "I think I'm gonna hurt like hell though." She managed a tiny smirk, carefully pulling Santana into a tired kiss. "Worth it," she breathed against her lips.

"Totally worth it," she whispered and rested her head down on Quinn's chest. "I'll give you a massage tomorrow to help the pain."

"Thanks," she whispered with a sleepy smile, her eyes falling closed as she looped an arm around Santana's shoulders and cuddled her. "You're amazing."

"Go to sleep, Quinn," she said as she held onto her.

Rachel woke up with a snort, shaking her head and blinking around the dark room, still dimly lit by the TV. Looking around confusedly for a moment trying to remember where she was, it finally came back when she realized that Brittany's head was in her lap and that was definitely Judy's garish piece of modern art hanging over the mantle. "Brittany," she whispered, shaking her friend, "Brittany, wake up. We fell asleep."

Brittany's legs kicked out and she reached her arms out in a dream, "No, I don't like aliens." She mumbled in her sleep.

She rolled her eyes and shook Brittany again. "There are no aliens, Brittany. Would you please wake up so we can go find Santana and Quinn?"

"My sandwich," She mumbled as she rolled over and tried to reach for what Rachel could only assume was the sandwich she was talking about.

"Brittany," Rachel huffed, "there is no sandwich either, now kindly wake up before I stand up and your pillow absents herself."

Brittany mumbled in her sleep and started to tug on Rachel's shirt until she got a corner of it in her mouth and she started chewing on it.

"Ew!" She stood up promptly, trying to remove her shirt from Brittany's mouth, effectively dumping the taller girl to the floor. "Honestly, Brittany! Stop trying to eat me!"

"Ow!" Brittany cried softly when she work up with a start, "Rachie! Why did you throw me off the couch!"

"You were attempting to devour me!" she snapped, trying to clean off her shirt. "We fell asleep and Santana and Quinn have vanished."

"Maybe you're tasty..." Brittany shrugged, "I had a dream and now I'm hungry." She pouted and looked up from the floor at Rachel. "Can I have string cheese?"

"I don't know if there's any here," she admitted with a shrug. "I suppose it wouldn't do any harm to look though."

Brittany nodded and got up off the floor and rolled her back to crack it. "Couch is not very comfortable, Rachie. Why did we sleep on it? Quinn has beds."

"I know. I guess we were just tired from the excitement of graduation and Noah's party," she yawned, stretching. "Let's go find Santana and Quinn and make sure they're okay before going to bed for real, alright?"

"Uh huh," Brittany said before going into the kitchen and grabbing a string cheese and opening it. "Where are they?"

"I don't know, Brittany," Rachel explained patiently, "though I would hope they're in bed like we should be. Want to help me look for them?"

She nodded before guiding them down the hall to Quinn's room. "Her chair's out here though..."

"You know how she gets now that she can walk," she shrugged, whispering to avoid waking the other girls just in case they were sleeping. "She probably just talked Santana into helping her walk to bed."

"Okay," she shrugged and went to Quinn's door and pushed it open, "Rachie!" she whispered as her eyes widened.

"What is... it," she trailed off with a blush as she took a step back at seeing Santana's bare back as the two girls were tangled up mostly naked on top of Quinn's bed. "Oh... well, I suppose it would have happened eventually..."

Brittany nodded, watching for a second before slinking in and carefully covering them with a blanket. She pushed Santana's hair off her shoulder and looked sad for a minute before coming back to Rachel. "She's skeletion looking again..."

"She's been stressed out since her dad kicked her out," Rachel whispered softly, closing the door behind them as they headed across the hall. "But she's still eating and keeping her food diary, so I'm fairly certain it's just a temporary thing."

"She always says that... She wouldn't let me take off her shirt for so long, Rach," Brittany worried her lip before entering into the guest bedroom and flopping onto the bed.

"I'm fairly certain she's improving though, Brittany," Rachel pointed out, pulling off her shirt and digging in her bag for her pajamas. "We've been eating together at lunch and she's not nearly as bad as she was a few months ago even now. After all, Sue did allow her back on the team."

"I guess," she sighed and pulled off her dress and threw it on the chair before crawling into the bed in just her underwear and bra. "They didn't do it. We would have heard them. Sannie's loud."

"You sound disappointed," Rachel teased gently. "Did you have a bet placed on the time of their consummation of feelings?"

"S was upset that I kissed you... but, she doesn't know it's sad that she's kissing Quinn," she said as she wiggled around to get comfortable.

"She was?" she asked, finishing changing and climbing into bed next to Brittany. "I didn't know she was upset by that. I think she knows that kissing Quinn makes you sad though," she tried, "she just... has to move on."

"She has... it's just sad because, like, I know I broke her heart... but, I used to dream of having lady babies or ducklings with her."

Rachel smiled sadly and hugged Brittany. "I used to dream of having a family with Finn too, Brittany. We just... had to give them up. But we'll be happy again with someone new and amazing. I'm sure of it."

"I know... Think Quinn will love Santana enough?" Brittany asked as she wrapped the blanket around them.

"If they don't get in each other's way," she shrugged, "then I believe they have a very good chance of falling in love and being happy. And we'll be happy for them too, right?"

"Right, and we can find boys to be happy with," she smiled brightly.

"Or girls," she teased, tapping Brittany's nose. "No narrowing ourselves, right?"

"I think Sannie's the only girl for me," Brittany said honestly, "I've loved lots and lots of boys, but I've only ever felt love with a lady with her."

"It's possible," Rachel shrugged. "I'm merely suggesting that you don't close yourself to the possibility of love just because you don't think you can love another girl after Santana. I want you to be happy, Brittany."

She nodded and snuggled into Rachel. "You too, Rachie. I want you to be happy, but I think it's sleep times," she shushed her softly and rolled her so she could spoon the smaller girl.

She laughed softly and snuggled back into Brittany. "I feel like your teddy bear when you do this, you know."

"You are," she stated simply as she closed her eyes and drifted back to sleep.

Santana laid on her back, one arm draped over her eyes as she slept. Her hand rested slightly tucked down the front of her panties, nestled between her prominent hipbones. She snored softly with every other inhale of breath.

Quinn woke up to the light streaming in her room. She blinked blearily as a soft moan escaped her throat before she remembered why she was so tired and smiled softly in remembrance despite how she barely felt rested. Rolling her head to the side to look at Santana, that smile slowly turned into a frown as she sat up to look at the nearly nude girl more closely in the light of day.

She'd thought she was getting better. Rachel'd assured her she was. But she could still count Santana's ribs with each breath and her hips stood out in sharp relief under her skin. She shook her head.

"Santana," she whispered, "you've got to stop this..."

A soft whimper escaped Santana's lips as she slept, she rolled onto her side as if she could feel Quinn looking at her body.

"San," Quinn whispered, reaching out to run her hand over the girl's side, fingers gently bumping over the dips and ridges of her ribs, "you can't keep being this thin... you just can't."

Santana groaned with protest as she started to come out of her slumber, she tried to curl into herself but she was too close to Quinn's body to do so. She pressed her face into the pillow and mumbled unintelligently.

"San," she whispered again. "Baby, wake up and talk to me. Please."

"Sleeping," she croaked as she turned her head to look at Quinn. Her dark eyes squinted and tried to focus on the girl in the bed with her.

"We need to talk, baby," Quinn murmured, trying to keep her attention. "We can go back to sleep after, okay?"

"Now?" she asked as her fist rubbed against her eyes. "I'm tired... you kept me up last night," she tried to joke but her tone was too groggy.

"Yes now, cause I don't want Britt or Berry butting in," she looked worried as she spoke.

"Are you okay?" she asked as she sat up and looked at Quinn. "Please tell me you're okay."

"I'm fine and that's my question," she tried joking but it came out flat. "I thought you were eating more, San. I thought you were getting better too."

"I... I am," she stammered, as she brought her knees up to cover her chest.

"Baby," she took Santana's hands, "you're scary skinny still. What's going on?"

"I'm not!" She said, "I gained the weight I had too... I did it!"

"San, look at yourself," she insisted. "What would you do if I looked like you? If you could count my ribs without my holding my breath? Don't you know how much it scares me to see you this small?"

"I've always been small, Q," she said, curling into herself more so Quinn couldn't point out her flaws and imperfections.

"Beautifully small, baby," Quinn agreed, "but this... this scares me." She looked at Santana, willing her to see the honest fear in her eyes for the girl's health.

"I'm healthy," she said softly. "You don't... you don't think I'm attractive?" Santana looked up and her eyes were shiny with unshed tears.

She shook her head. "I think you're beautiful, San. I'm just scared if you don't gain more weight I'll lose you before I even have the chance to be with you. Can't you understand that?"

"What... what if I don't gain weight like everyone is telling me too," she said defensively, "Why don't I get a say in anything?"

"You get a say!" Quinn insisted. "You get a say. I'm just scared, San! I'm scared something bad will happen to you because you're too small and I'll lose you before I get a chance to find out how much I can love you. I'm scared, baby..."

Santana's body shook as she held back tears, "Why... why can't I just have this? This makes me happy, I can control this." She looked away, "I'm doing everything Rachel's been making me do, I'm not gonna die..."

"Baby," Quinn's eyes shimmered with unshed tears as she reached for Santana, "if it'd been you in that car instead of me, you would have. I'd have never gotten to know how beautiful you are or how much I want to learn to love you. You'd be dead and gone. I want a long time to learn how much I can love you, San. A long time. You can control this trip. Or your school. Your whole life is yours now. You don't have to control this anymore..."

"I can?" she asked softly. "I can... this trip?" she swallowed and looked up. "But, it doesn't change anything. I'm still not good enough... My mom's gonna realize I'm a freak and not want me anymore."

"I want you," Quinn whispered. "If she's so stupid to get rid of you... I'll be your family." She tried a little smile. "God knows Rachel would be your crazy ass sister if you let her..." She shrugged. "If your family is so stupid to give up on you, we'll make our own family."

"Okay," she said softly, reaching out to play with Quinn's fingers. "I'll get better if you want me too."

"Of course I want you to," she laughed hopefully, "but can you do it for you... and maybe for us? I'll give you whatever control you need, baby."

"I like when you call me that," Santana smiled as she laid back down against the mattress. "Lie with me?"

"Always," she whispered, awkwardly scooting towards her with sore muscles from making herself walk so much and lying down. "Take a bath with me later? I'm so sore..."

Santana curled into her side and pulled the blanket back up. "My pleasure," she said as she rested her hand on Quinn's stomach.

"How'd we get covered up anyway?" she mumbled, cuddling into Santana as best she could.

She shrugged. "No idea." Santana took Quinn's hand and threaded her fingers with the blonde's. "You still good with what happened last night?"

She nodded with a shy smile, "Are you? I'm sorry I wasn't much help with your own..." she blushed.

"Next time," she suggested. "I like taking care of your needs, though."

Quinn blushed, but squeezed her fingers, "I think... I'll like seeing what you look like during an orgasm next time. But, San?" she asked softly, "Can next time be when we're girlfriends?"

"Just let me know when you're ready," Santana whispered as she nuzzled Quinn's neck. "Then you can have whatever you'd like."

"I'll tell you," she whispered, slipping back towards sleep with a yawn. "Soon..."

"Okay," she said before letting her eyes fall back closed.

universe: tytcm, fic: trusting you to catch me, pairing: santana/quinn, co-writer: maura

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