Woke up at 0230 to the phone ringing. Of course, by the time my brain processed it, it stopped. Found myself awake and unable to go back to sleep because WOO HOO, It's Flu. Knit a bit, went back to lie down around 0430
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So knitting has resumed now that the oopsie of deleting files to the tune of over 80 gb. The files are restoring and watching them is allowing for a new pattern to be developed
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Woke this morning to sun coming over the peak or the "hill" across the street, glistening on the snow draping the evergreens. Couldn't be more beautiful. Made a couple market bags, pattern coming soon!
Teaching Bob to knit. He's making merino socks! Muttering and talking to the yarn and needles as he has ( and so cool ) has gotten the cable cast on. Stay tuned guys.
It's Monday. After a night of being horridly sick, I woke up at 5 am to a quiet house. Soaps did not get done, so today after running to town I am going to work on those as well as finish the market bag. Website coming along.
So the first pattern, which I wrote on the iPad will be ready this weekend . And in honor of the sexy it's an iPad back cover. Also working on a bag for it that will go with my previous tattoo bags. The Geek needs to get busy on the website and etsy. ( hint hint )
So the sexy and I are figuring out how to write a pattern together. Loving evernote app and dragon dictation app. Both seem to be making the process quite nice .
Get this.. I have 3 projects going at once. 2 I can't tell you about cause the recipient pops over here now and again .. The other one, I can talk about. Its the Nanette tee from White Lies Design. I got one in Raspberry for Ditz (cause she wanted one) and for me in Charcoal
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