thanks big brother...

May 26, 2007 15:17

I just read an article about the Army Corp of Engineers banning cliff diving at 19 lakes, mostly in the South.

two things sort of stuck out in my head.

1. "But the corps considers it risky behavior, noting that since 1993, 69 people have died in water-related accidents in the district"

MOTHER FUCK!! Someone alert the media! I bet more people died of Staph Infections in hospitals in the same areas since 1993.. are we going to ban the "risky behavior" of going to the hospital? (While we are at it, how many people died cause of the failed Corps built and designed levee system over in New Orleans? More than a measley 69..) Seems that the death rate for this stupid actvity is amazingly low. I imagine if it was an automobile defect, that many deaths would still not be enough to trigger a recall.

2.Failing to heed the ban in parts of West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio and Virginia could result in penalties of up to $5,000 and unspecified prison time.
The Army Corps of Engineers can levee fines for using a public waterway in a somewhat stupid way? They can just make up fines and jail sentances? When did they get elected to pass these laws? I mean I could be wrong and there are some form of existing law that applies here, but unless you are somehow destroying government property, endagering the public, or harming the enviroment, I cannot see how they have any jurisdiction in how people "jump".

I am sure the main push is by liability nazi's in the ACoE who are no doubt looking to avoid lawsuits. The whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. It also disturbs me to know that the Army Corps of Engineers has that much power and domain. I always just assumed they were a federal "Public Works" style organization.

And now you know, cause knowing is half the battle.

cliff diving, lakes, army corps of engineers, public versus private

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