Poop, food, formula, I might have done something wrong

Dec 02, 2011 05:01

I bought frozen squash the last time I did grocery shopping but I wasn't sure what the texture was. It's basically a puree so I warmed some up in my ill/sleepy coma like state the other night. I tried giving Seamus some and as much as he seemed to like the idea of eating something off of a spoon he spit out almost everything put in his mouth. He would suck it off my fingers though and only a few finger fulls were really had.

Archer seemed to be less interested in the spoon but really liked food on my fingers and thought that was a totally cool idea. I think this was Tuesday? Time is a little blurry right now.

Fast forward to today. Since I've been off the kids have gotten one bottle of formula so I could put them down, take showers, poop, feed myself, you name it. This isn't really any more formula than normal since they get formula when I'm at work because I don't pump enough (I know I've said this all before but I'm repeating for those who might've missed the memo).

Today Archer has had hard poops ALL DAY. The first one was this morning and I thought it was just one pellet and he was done once he got it out. I checked him before bed and once his diaper was off he was trying to poop again. So I bicycled his legs and rubbed his tummy and applied light tummy pressure all to help him pass a poop that was thicker than my middle finger and longer too. And totally solid.

It stunk to high heaven so I think it must have been the damn squash, but oh holy God. That poor child.

I also told Mike this apparently has something to do with being a parent because I told him I would never, ever, ever bicycle his legs to help him poop. Maybe if he was in the hospital but probably no because if he couldn't use his legs I probably couldn't lift them.

But my poor angry, red faced, upset baby. No poops from Seamus yet so maybe he gets to enjoy it tomorrow. :(

The only bonus? Realizing how horrific this story will be to him when he's older and I tell his little friends about the poop he couldn't pass and how he was upset and sweaty.

god's cruel joke, food, parenting, baby momma

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