Why hallo there LJ.

Sep 11, 2011 14:17

Can we talk about how unbelievably hard it is to have kids, work, and write?

To you other Moms cheers, because whoa holy shit. I mean the upside is there hasn't been much to write about despite the moment of crippling depression. The worst part about that is when I feel horrible I like to isolate myself until it passes and you can't isolate yourself from two newborns who need you. So then it was like, crap. I'm a ball of suck and they need me and I want to crawl further under something. I'm a shit bag parent. We made it through. No one starved or died of diaper rash.

I will pat myself on the back because I can now sort of recognize sleep signals. That's kind of neat. It also means I'm more likely to get the kids to nap before I leave.

Mike is doing really well on his own. I've been putting my foot down and forcing him to not ask for help so he can figure out if he needs the help instead of shirking his responsibilities. Mean Mom is mean.

As stupid as it is I figure out my foot problem. Socks. While thatquietboy has been fighting the power of too thick socks I apparently just need to freaking wear socks. Wednesday I wore Crocs with arch support/heel inserts and came home hobbling. Friday I did the same thing BUT WITH SOCKS and felt great. Last night I forgot the socks again and didn't want to die as much but still kind of wanted to die. Which means YAY my legs are figuring out this working thing.

Pumping at work is...weird. I can only seem to get two pump sessions a night in so I've convinced Mike to pick up the car adapter for me. He wants to not drive and pump and...we'll see. BUT it does mean if I left early I could pump before work and after while still getting my two pumping sessions in during. If I play my cards right I can get 16oz but it's more like 8/12.

Surgical consults are stupid, btw. We went to Seamus's and they told us fucking surgery: how does that work? Now I just have to make the appointment but I forgot on Friday because I was mad at Mike (whoops). We used my car for the consult, he knew I was low on gas, I was trying to get everything ready for him so I walked out a smidge late and on my way out he reminded me my tank was low. Dude had been up since 4am. HE COULD HAVE FILLED MY TANK!

And then my car died. We're pretty sure it's due to this stupid fan that felt compelled to keep blowing despite the fact that my car was off and cold. BUT it meant more Emory and Agatha time. I heart those two. We discussed Hyperbole and a Half, The Oatmeal, and The Bloggess. We are totally NOT internet junkies.

Today I woke up to a weird hurtie white spot on my nipple and two nipple hickies. My kids apparently missed my actual nipples and left little suck marks on my areolas. Mike keeps telling me I'm sleeping with other men. I say yes. The downside of hurtie nipple is that I still have to pump through because I think I may have a little bit of plugged duct starting but FUCKING OW.

In news of co-washing and my hair I figured out my problem with VO5. I don't like it. I'm a Suave kind of gal. I'm going to still tinker with nicer conditioners (aka more expensive), but for real. The slip/moisture I get from $1 bottles of Suave Naturals is stupid. If VO5 works for you, awesome. IMO that shit can burn in hell; long live Suave.

I have MOAR body jewelry I need to take pictures of. Custom jewelry is smexy. I also like how the wood blends in with my skin tone making it look like I have a stone embedded in my skin.

Wow, I really think that's it.

Wait, no. I'm waiting for two leather corsets in the mail. That's exciting. One apparently needs a new busk, so hey sewing friends!

I'm trying to stop myself from buying everything Halloween related but driving home last night listening to Joyful Girl with the windows down makes that prospect SO HARD. It was the type of weather that called for a warm glass of chai tea paired with spice cake.

Fucking love spice cake so hard. For those of you who wonder at my pumpkin obsession I think it's just that it pairs so well with spice. I could take or leave the pumpkin but I can not take or leave the spice. Spicy spicy spicy nom nom.

Om nom.

And my birfday is next month. WHAT'S UP?!

Okay, for real. Closing down this post because I'm just rambling, but that's all that's been up with me. While I haven't been fucking posting I have been reading, but still feel free to tell me new and exciting things.

OR DON'T. I only judge so much.


mike, breast feeding, like a boss, body jewelry, family, parenting, baby momma, hair, boobs, bullshit, stretched body parts, blogging about blogging, body parts

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