H50 4.14

Feb 01, 2014 10:00

So maybe it's the relentless winter weather making me cranky, but I was hugely disappointed with last night's ep. The only part I actually enjoyed was the last few seconds with Steve and Danny being adorable together at the bar. Can we just have a whole ep of that, please? (Okay, I also liked Danny's fist-bump with the little boy outside of the principal's office). I don't know what the show is doing, but the bit with Grace punching a classmate was hugely OOC. We've never seen any sign of Grace having Danny's temper. She's always come across as a calm, quiet girl, sort of the complete opposite of Danny. And I would have liked to see a little more reaction from Danny, but I get the sense that SC didn't really know how to play it either. It was all just kind of weird. As was Steve's sudden sympathy for his kidnapper. This man threatened to kill his partner, used Grace as leverage, forced Steve to lie to Grover, and suddenly Steve is all 'hey, let's escape with him!'. And somehow we are supposed to care when the guy gets shot at the end. I could have done without the wholesale slaughtering of the bad guys, too.

Gah, it was all just awful. And I had such high hopes for it. ::sighs::


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