Your main fandom of the year?
I haven't been active in any fandom this year, but I've been lurking in Sherlock for a while now. I've read ALL the John/Sherlock fic. And then read it again. Have a soft spot for Mycroft/Lestrade, too.
Your favorite film watched this year?
At the risk of being terribly unprofound, I adored "A Cabin in the Woods". I love seeing a cliche turned on it's head. And then rolled over a few times for good measure. I went into it without knowing a thing about the plot, and loved every minute of it.
Your favorite book read this year?
Hmmm. I guess long, plotty Sherlock AUs don't count? Then I'm going with "The Evolution of God" by Robert Wright, which is a history of religion. It's a slow read and I'm only halfway through it, but I'm finding it utterly fascinating.
Your favorite album or song to listen to this year?
I'm really liking Lake Street Dive. I don't remember the album's name but it might be their first one.
Your favorite TV show of the year?
Started watching Sleepy Hollow this year, and both the husband and I are enjoying it. We just started working our way through the S1 DVDs. Also started watching Face Off, which is so very awesome! I'd say it's a tie between the two.
Your best new fandom discovery of the year?
Stumbled into X-Men fandom after watching XMFC and XMDoFP, and am now reading all the Charles/Erik I can find.
Your biggest fandom disappointment of the year?
Hard to say. I'm enjoying Supernatural this season, but as always, I wish Dean and Cas would work together more.
Your fandom boyfriend of the year?
John Watson.
Your fandom girlfriend of the year?
Abbie, from Sleepy Hollow.
Your biggest squee moment of the year?
Supernatural addressing the whole vessel issue with Cas. I suspected Jimmy was gone, but it was so nice to have that confirmed.
The most missed of your old fandoms?
H50 was the last fandom I was really active in, and I still miss it. It was great fun. Danny Williams will always own a piece of my heart!
The fandom you haven't tried yet, but want to?
Can't think of anything, really. I have plenty to read as it is!