[Video] Gamzee: Do something predictably stupid.

Aug 26, 2011 14:32

[ The video feed is of an amount of yellow and blue jelly-like paste. Gamzee is holding his communicator, displaying the rather messy scene. There is also a juggling club lying on the ground, covered in blue jelly. From behind the communicator you can hear Gamzee narrating. ]

OkAy GuYs. GuYs.
HoLy FuCk ThIs MoThErFuCkEr JuSt MaDe A dIsCoVeRy ThAt'S gUnNa RoCk YoUr MoThErFuCkInG wOrLd!

OkAy So YoU kNoW tHoSe YeLloW aNd BlUe GoOeY mOtHeRfUcKeRs ThAt LiKe To CaSt MoThErFuCkInG iCe AnD lIgHtNiNg AnD sHiT?

oKaY sO i AcCiDeNtAlLy StEpPeD iN oNe AnD iT gOt AlL mUsHy BuT tHeN cHeCk ThIs ShIt OuT!

[ Using the juggling club, Gamzee spreads the yellow jelly into the blue jelly, and after some stirring, the paste takes on a sickly green hue. ]

HoLy MoThErFuCkInG sHiT gUyS!
gUeSs WhO's EaTiNg GoOd ToNiGhT mOtHeRfUcKeRs?
i CaN't MoThErFuCkInG wAiT tO bAkE tHeSe MoThErFuCkErS.

all the colors of the rainbow, gamzee makara, cooking with gamzee, 6th honk, and thus began the puni extinction

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