[Video] Gamzee: Discover a critical clue to the Discedo mystery.

Jun 02, 2011 11:50

[ The video feed pops open with a clear image of Gamzee, who is practically too excited to remember where he should stand to remain in shot. By the time he's finished talking it's easy enough to see what the excitement is about, though. ]

HoLy FuCk GuYs LoOk WhAt ThIs MoThErFuCkEr FoUnD!
iT's OnLy ThE kEy To FiGuRiNg OuT tHiS eNtIrE fOrT uNa MyStErY!

[ Gamzee appears to be holding up some porcelain rubble, probably from a demolished toilet or the like. ]

LoOk At ThIs MoThErFuCkEr.
WhAt ThE fUcK, mAn?
Do RoCkS lIkE tHiS eVeN gRoW aRoUnD hErE?
iT's AlL sMoOtH aNd ShIt.
ThE bIgGeSt MiRaClE i'Ve StUmBlEd OvEr AnD hIt My FaCe WiTh ToDaY!
sO wHo WaNtS tO hElP mE cRaCk ThIs BaBy OpEn AnD gEt To ThE mYsTeRiEs It HoLdS iNsIdE?

the mystery of the smooth stone, gamzee makara, 5th honk

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