
Oct 27, 2005 09:20

I am really disliking this whole get dark early thing. Every night at 9 I start yawning and I seriously feel like I could crawl into bed as soon as its dark and sleep until the morning.

I managed to stay awake last night by getting out the sewing machine and starting the dogs' Halloween costumes. Dan and I don't have costumes at all yet the dogs are going to have great ones. Isn't that a little backward? We're not really invited to any parties anyway so it doesn't seem to make much of a difference.

I am still not sure if I am going to go out with girlfriends on Halloween. They have a huge group that is all dressing up like superheroes and villains and going out to bars. I am not so hot on going out to bars on a weeknight but we'll see. That and I am not sure who I would dress up as. I am medium dark so I keeping thinking that I could just get a long white wig and say that I'm Storm from the X-Men. I think I'll keep that idea on deck.

We are going to go to the Flashy Trash warehouse sale this weekend. I am so excited!!!

Other big news: Dan and I bought a bass amp last night for $100 from this awesome rockabilly dude who was moving in down the street. We stopped while walking the dogs because there was a dressing cabinet (band equipment thing) that said "Ted Nugent" on it infront of the Happy Village bar and when this guy came up wearing a workshirt with a Ford patch, and he had a pomp and full sleeves, Dan said "Is this yours? You don't look like Ted Nugent!" Turns out the guy is from Nashville and is a sound tech who just moved to Chicago. We got to talking, said that we had a band and he started telling us he had all this equipment that he was just giving/throwing away because he didn't have enough room. He said he had a bass amp he'd sell us so we dumped the dogs at home, grabbed the bass and came back. It is a Fender Bassman with 1 15" speaker. Its HUGE and I love the sound!!! After we tried it out we ran home to get our wallets, went to the bank on the corner and came back to his place in 15 minutes to buy it and then Dan carried it the 1/5 block home. The dude was so nice too, I just got a really good vibe from him and his apartment was chock full of awesome retro-vintage stuff. He even had a lamp that is just like one that Dan has! But also pictures of pinup girls on all the walls and tons of magazines. And his tv cabinet is the front of an old Chevrolet, its the coolest thing ever! He's been in a whole bunch of bands that Dan had actually heard of which I think impressed him, like the Georgia Satellite. We got into a discussion about how much we like the Flat Duo Jets and he was totally trashing the White Stripes because of course, the Flat Duo Jets were doing that way before the White Stripes and they rock.

And now we have our (my) very own first bass amp! Hurray!
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