
Oct 31, 2005 10:33

I am uploading pictures tonight but I had such a fun weekend!!! The Halloween party we went to Saturday night was one of the best parties I've been to in recent memory. Thank you Mary!!!

Dan hates Halloween due to some trauma involving spaghetti and too much candy when he was 6 years old. I really wish he could get over it and enjoy Halloween since its one of my most favorite holidays. This year I decided we would do it up good so we not only went to the Elegant Farmer, we made caramel apples, ate lots of candy corn, made Halloween cupcakes and carved pumpkins.

Then we were informed of a few parties Saturday night and he started moping that he didn't have a good costume so I asked him what he really wanted to be. Turns out that all Dan wanted to do was wear a Devo radiation suit and energy dome. Low and behold, there was one of those temporary costume shops set up near the grocery store and he managed to snag the last Devo costume and it was in his size!!! Score! Needless to say, he looked extremely hot in it. I dressed up as a Harajuku Girl wearing pink tights and a fairy-like skirt and this crazy shirt I bought in Paris a few years ago. I even got pink spray-in color and sprayed the blonde in my hair pink and spiked it all up with hairspray. I even wore fake eyelashes and everything!!

We ventured out with our friend Jackie who was Napolean Dynamite, she looked really hot in her polyester suit, tie and black moonboots. First we rocked the Neighborhoodies pre-opening party. The place was still a construction site but there was tons of free Goose Island beer so we just kept running across the street to the Jewel to go pee. I think Dan peed in the Jewel three times.

The other people we were supposed to be hanging with were totally lagging and I could not get anyone to move so the three of us just left around 11 and went to this house party on North Avenue hosted by the WLUW DJ, Mary. I need to look her up and send her an email thanking her for throwing the BEST PARTY EVER.

Seriously, it was amazing.

$5, tons of beer and awesome DJ's kept this poor little apartment packed shoulder to shoulder and bumping all night long. All we (the three of us) wanted to do was dance and dance we did. Seriously, we danced until 3 AM, realized that it was only 2 because of the time change and then danced some more. It was amazing. It was also cool because everyone there was in costume unlike some parties I've been to where only a few people dressed up, no, like everybody in the room was all tricked out. I even saw an attorney who works at my law firm there! He and his wife were dressed like Cirque du Soleil and they looked great. It was funny to see him all dressed up in tights and dancing his ass off but everyone was so it wasn't unusual. I even saw this dude who works at the local video store and we said hi. I think he recognized me but I can't quite be sure. He was wearing a silver body suit and had a red pack on his back, there were a bunch of people dressed up like that and I think it had something to do with outer space but again, I can't quite be sure. I saw a guy dressed up like Kraftwerk, a zombie bride, Oates and Oates (from Hall and Oates) and so many other cool costumes. Hipsters are creative and they loooove to dance, and for that I am glad that I live where I do. Living around lots of Hipsters has its benefits...
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