Wonderful Weekend

Oct 11, 2005 11:13

Got my hair cut. I haven't taken pictures because I don't like it all that much. Sure everyone else likes it and thinks its cute, especially Dan, but my stylist cut all my nice long hair off in the back. I had liked the previous style because it allowed me to have short hair while still having long hair and now its all short except for the two long pieces in the front. I still haven't made up my mind and while I don't love it, I don't hate it. I just kind of feel ambivalence towards it and am going to start growing the bottom part back out. Luckily my hair grows so fast that it will be long again before I know it.

We also went to see the Mates of State Thursday night at the Abbey Pub. It was a good show, the songs were great and all but something was just missing and I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I think that they just seemed more tired and less peppy and happy than last time I saw them. I can completely understand that considering they are touring with a baby and it was a late show with them starting at 11PM. We were so tired ourselves that we left as soon as they were done and didn't stick around for the encore. I still haven't seen them play Ride Again live and I don't know if I ever will. Another thing I noticed about the Mates of State is that their songs are really emotional for me. I got all choked up a few times because what they are singing about is frequently how I feel in my own relationship, how we are happy and in love and have hard times but we make it through. Dan corroborated my sentiments by stating that they were "totally emo" and I had never thought of them that way because I tend to lump them under couplecore/cutecore/indie pop but its true that they are very emotional.

Friday night we went to see the Cinema Electronique program at Resfest (http://resfest.com). Resfest is this awesome digital/innovative festival that travels the country every year. We went to the Shynola restrospective last year but the program we chose this year was the Electronic Music Video one. Needless to say it was fantastic. I voted for the Chemical Brothers video for Galvanize for my Audience Favorite because not only do I love the Chemical Brothers, I thought the video was really evocative of the constraints and limitations of living in the suburban and urban ghettos of immigrant communities in modern European cities. There were a ton of other great videos including Towa Tei, the Streets, RJD2, the Basement Jaxx and Dizzee Rascal, really some of our favorites. Its kind of funny how into this kind of stuff we are, we skipped the regular rock music videos because we had seen so many of them already!

Saturday: Elegant Farmer!!!!! We discovered this place last year when we wanted to go apple picking and returned again for another great day of fall farm fun. Like last year, we stopped at Apple Holler, which is just over the Wisconsin border for their breakfast buffet and then continued on to the Elegant Farmer which is only another 45 minutes into WI. We scored a whole half bushel of apples, tons of squash, three pumpkins, random and assorted gourds and one large apple pie baked in a paper bag with caramel on top, the last of which I ate this morning for breakfast at work. This place is just so much fun, I love the fall and its really one of the best ways to spend a crisp fall day, picking apples off the trees yourself and then eating a ton of apples and drinking hot apple cider. Really my idea of perfection.

Sunday: Relaxing, slept in, had band practice. Band practice went really well, we came up with some great new material, now we just need to practice it. Pete and I really want to book a show in a few months time so that we have a goal to work towards. Dan doesn't want to book a show so soon but I don't want to be a band that just practices indefinitely in the garage, I want to get out there and do our thing. It will happen eventually, I am just getting impatient as to when. Not right now, of course, but just some time in the foreseeable future would be really nice.

I got a ton of sleep this weekend too. 9 hours Saturday night and then an extra little nap, then another 8 hours Sunday night. I think its the whole getting-dark-earlier thing that is causing the extra sleep, but whatever it is it feels really good.

Also, still not to much time for knitting due to business but hopefully that will change soon, I need to get started on my holiday gifts!

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